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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. Jayd


    Greetings Erfan, Ray is right on....Try this for me and as Ray said, keep trying.....Green Leafy Veggies: Kale, no lettuce, mustard greens, corn on the cobb, (once a week) spinach, dandelion greens, collard greens. Carrots, cauliflower with peanut butter (just a dab), snap peas, a good quality seed with no sunflowers such as Top's or Volkman's (on Amazon), raw spaghetti. some cooked pasta, The whole trick is to give them two or three things for six to seven days, they won't starve. Leave the seeds 24/7.....Don't let the fresh food sit in cage more than 2-3 hours. You can try a spoonful of plain low-fat yogurt or cottage cheese daily I promise they won't starve.. Again, this can take days or months You are doing great!
  2. Jayd


    Greetings, Actually you can wear any color or style around our fids... Equal Opportunity Birds, will EAT and destroy no-matter what your wearing.!!! Your fid will react to what you wear or how you smell. watch for signs...
  3. New news....Jay's liquid output has increased 40% (although he is taking double dose Lasix), more tests coming....he is not feeling good. Trying very hard to keep him positive...keeping him engaged so he doesn't focus on the negative. Thanks all! Maggie
  4. Another trick is to put "Stick-Um's", they remove easy and are cheap...Put them on mirrors and windows..
  5. Welcome....Pictures pleases.... Okay, I have given you two Trophy's, thank you so much for joining...Your next 3 posts will each receive a trophy...We are all ears...Jayd
  6. My prayers and love are with you...you did more than anyone could ask....
  7. Thank you...This is what we need, to reply more often and sooner, Thank you, Jayd Maggie here, Jay had renal failure a while back and I am afraid that he might have this again.
  8. Erfan, you have the best of the best....
  9. It is so good to hear from you...I know you and Jay spent many hours in conversations regarding the care of all our fids..We also hope you are feeling well too...Love you Maggie and Jay P.S. Each day Jay goes to the forum to see, as he says, who he might be able to help....
  10. Thank you Howardine....he is in a lot of pain.
  11. Erfan , we've all told you it takes time, Our Joe took almost to years to start acting friendly and another 2 years to kind of being friendly...You have to be in there for the long haul....r
  12. So sorry prayers for the sweet baby.....What does the vet say?
  13. Hi, hasn't been going very well the last two weeks...Jay's been on heavy dosage of Lasix for his CHF, kidneys and cellulitis and last week his output has decreased over half the previous amounts. His strength has decreased as well as his appetite....he has also been getting more forgetful and his last post took almost eight hours for him to complete....With his increase in pain levels, I think it may be hospital time again soon.
  14. Welcome...I have given you your first trophy...Thank you for joining the forum! Excellent advise....you train from now until forever and you will reach a point when you ind out they have actually trained you
  15. Greetings, please take Ray advice...See A VET.....She could be egg bound...Has she ever layed a egg?
  16. Sorry it took so long to post, I wasn't feeling after I started
  17. Sprouting...that is the question...Sprouting produces an excellent product, at a cost. I'll start out with the pros. During our lifetime working with parrots, we've sprouted many things including beans and seeds, some easy, some hard...In the Grey's homeland, they eat sprouted seeds, etc. but not what you would expect. The parrots follow the elephants...when the elephants dump a load, the parrots fly down and dig through to find the sprouted seeds etc. found in the elephant stools. These sprouted items have absorbed the nutrients from the fermented droppings. We cannot produce this. PROs: It's healthy for your Fids... Fantastic bragging rights... CONs: They provide no more nutrients than a good seed and fresh veggie food mix... They are expensive... They are time-consuming... A large amount of waste... If the sprouts are aged too long, they become bitter and the parrots won't eat them... After all your hard work and effort, your Fid may not eat them.... Here is the simplest and safest way to sprout: Sprouting jars: Mason jar Quart with rings... Fiberglass screening or good cheesecloth... Assembly: Cut fiberglass screening or cheesecloth to fit in mason jar ring... Boil jars and rings to sanitize... Sprouting ingredients: The best parrot seeds and beans (Mung) you can find... The best is "TOP's All In One Seed Mix"...(Amazon) almost 100% viable... Apple cider vinegar Sprouting: Add 1/4tsp of apple cider vinegar, add bottled water (half full room temp). Fill with half seeds, rinsed, If you use Top's seeds, don't rinse and no vinegar. Set in dim area (some light), laying on its side with the rear of the jar raised to drain water. Next day, rinse...if any tails are showing, remove whole seed and put it in a jar, sealed, in the refrigerator to stop growth. Feed...If you would like the tails longer, rinse, lay on side, and check the next day...the ideal tail length for a Grey or 'Zon is 1/4 to 1/2".. https://www.google.com/search?q=sprouting+seeds&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b-1-ab
  18. Starting a new topic: To SPROUT or Not to SPROUT...Check it out...
  19. Good morning!...Here's a warning...later today, when I wake up, I'll post a post of useful notes...About SPROUTING....hehehe... (I'm a poet and didn't know it... and still don't) (Please before investing, read my post !!!)
  20. Thank you. You're doing a great job...it takes time to learn what they like and don't like and any food items, especially good for them like green leafy vegetables, mixed together is great! Keep up the good work!
  21. To all new members who join after today I'll give you 5 Trophy's for 5 posts or replies!!!
  22. Jayd

    GIT "R" DONE

    Hello, Long time no see. It warms us
  23. With our warmer weather here in Arizona, the fans have come back out of storage and Joe (our Grey - scaredycat) has retreated into hibernation.... In the nine years that we have used fans until we have to use the air conditioner, Joe has HATED the dreaded fans. I have tried different colors, types, etc. but he was never fooled and always beat a hasty retreat when confronted with that dreaded creature. Well, things go slowly in Grey time but we made progress today. Joe actually flew from the safety of his kitchen perches and flew out to share breakfast despite the fact that the fans were out. He did not stay more than 1/2 an hour but that was a MAJOR leap for him... Maggie
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