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Everything posted by missmybuttons
I know what you mean I work full time plus I have a part time job training horses and being a mom/wife but I always find time for my birds Im really glad im getting these cockatoos then I will be DONE lol ive decided to name them Tarzan and Jane ,now I need to get some toys made up for them because they have a really bare cage no toys or extra perches , just one perch and a nest box so their pretty plucked but its ok I hope their feathers will return .
Ok im done Buying birds now lol .I must be crazy I bought a pair of Umbrella Cockatoos.Im so excited I love umbrellas. Im buying them from the same guy I got my Greys from , now I have to refuse to buy anymore birds.anyway I will be picking them up the following week . The greys are doing awsome , we gave up on them getting Jiggy with it and turned them into comic releif , lol are they funny , they are even getting where we can get close to the cage and they dont growl at us or scream, but they have been enjoying their morning routine of coming alive at 6 am when my alarm goes off.maybe by this time next year we will be able to let them out of their cage to explore a bit we shall see ,but in the meantime , they are so full of life right now that is the main goal mental health and they seem to be adjusting to life outside the box just fine.
we have 3 chicks now I love listening to them when they are fed sooo cute im going to leave them in the box until their about 3 -4 weeks old the more they get from their parents the better , we are waiting to see if the last 2 eggs are going to hatch I think 1 is a dud but its ok we are enjoying the little fluff balls.:cheer:
Sorry for some reason I cant upload pics here so they are on photo bucket
We had 2 hatchlings on the 31st so here is a pic sorry it isent very good I didnt want to upset mom and dad too much these little ones are about 3 hrs old.:) their so precious{Nature-000200A9}
pheona has no eggs sorry for the cofusion My cockatiels (fred and Wilma ) have the eggs , the greys still nothing but we seperated them to help them rember that their is more then just hiding and growling were hopeing for eggs from them soon we are going to re introduce them about the middle of next month if things go as planned :)The tiels still have all their eggs it looks like 3 fertile 1 dud
well its been almost a week since we seperated them .Shrek does not seem to be affected he is the same ole happy guy . But Pheona is starting to change Instead of sitting their being a grump and growling all day , she has began to chew on her toys and whistle a little. Funny thing , it was our male cockatiel who got her out of her shell. through the day he goes over to her side of his cage , he puts his wings up in a territorial display and dances at her, it really seems to aggravate Pheona and Fred is lucky she cant reach him. Anywho he does his display and she fluffs up and bawks at him and they climb up and down the cages doing this for a while , then he goes back to his nest box and she plays a little , squeaks and whistles , its nice to see her come alive , ( even if it is to destroy my cockatiel)Fred never bothers Shrek I guess he is not very interesting to him .It is really interesting to watch . We did clip Shreks wings Everytime we go to feed he wants to try to fly around and he is horrible at it. he is always flying into things , so we clipped him for his own safety and he has calmed down alot since then . As for Fred and Wilma they are happy little brooders right now around the first week of april we should have our first chick were excited .Hope all is well with you and your featherd babies.
yeah Im curious too I really want to see them happy more then anything , they seem confused out in the world with no box to hide in lol but they are pretty funny , they are very intrigued with the tv lol especially Shrek he sits their and watches it ,bobs his head , hes cute Pheona not so interesting she is very grumpy but has started to softly whistle at us . So baby steps for these too its ok I plan on having them for the rest of their natural lives so I hopefully will make friends with them someday .
{we decided to move Shrek and Pheona into the living room, we put them in seperate cages next to each other , since when their togther all they do is scream and growl, but, sepereated they acctually play a little and whistle and act happy. Sooo I think a change of scenery will be good for them we will try reintroducing them in a month or so and see how they feel . I think these two have been hiding for so long they forgot about everything else except for hiding. Pheona still growls and sounds like a coffee pot ,but Shrek seems intrigued and wants to interact alot , he likes to whistle and when my alarm goes off in the morning thats his cue to go into a morning singing routine. Its really nice to see them outside of the nest box . They are so beutiful I love to just sit and watch them .{Nature-00020095}<br><br>Post edited by: missmybuttons, at: 2009/05/14 17:49
I will defenilty get pics on here were thinking around the end of the month give or take a couple days
Our little cockatiels (fred and Wilma) have layed 3 eggs . Were excited hopeing to get some mutations we shall see
Its interesting that you tell us to socalise them , basicaly we have been told to leave them alone , we are going to move them into our living room for awhile ,hopefully the hen will quit growling soon .lol the male wants to interact he likes to whistle to me and trys to mimic new whistles I give him. they are so beautiful .I love all the diffrent sounds they make .
I took your advice and closed the nest box off to them . They are not happy about it but I do enjoy being able to see them in person. Thank you We still have the camara on them Im just curious should we put them in a diffrent cage as well ? Do we want to move them in the living room with us or should we leave them in their own quiet space . Thanks Dave007 wrote:
they are alone and they have their own room , we took the box away when we first got them for a couple weeks our vet said they would feel more secure if we gave it back . so we did but they have been alone with no other birds around for 30 days now weve had them a month .so they come out and whistle and squeak ect but 90% of the day they stay in the box . but she is leaving feathers in their now our nestbox cam is showing her leaving a few here and their.( sigh ) I dont want to take it away if she might be thinking of nesting . :dry: descions descions. as for their health the vet said they were very healthy and well taken care of.
My greys came from an aviry with other pairs of large parrots , we think they lived in the nest box for so long hideing from the other parrots (macaws and cockatoos yes they were all in their own cages ),but I think that our pair lived in the nest box for like around 2 - 4 yrs hiding from the other birds , Im wondering if we should close them off from the nest box. the bird cam shows them mostly they just sit in the nest box togther with their little tails hanging over the edge. yes the female has been getting in thier chewing chunks of wood we have put in the box for her but im wondering if she is just playing in their .they dont poo in their , but im wondering , if we should close off the nest box for awhile.. ? We would really like for them to have a clutch so any posative info would be helpfull .thanks
thouht I would give the link to my zon and I playing sorry about the singing ,I think Buttons was my only fan
thats the hope is to get a baby out of them for me to snuggle and hopefully bond with.
Thank you everyone , No one really understands these birds like we do , anyone who gets a close bond learns their not birds they are personalitys all their own and that is what makes them so unique and loved so much .
thank you we havent seen them mate but they are pretty noisy early in the morning and in the late evening, she seems to be leaving feathers in the nest box now so I guess all we can do is wait and keep our fingers crossed
sorry face book doesent seem to be working but this is cool here are some picks
Buttons was a YNA ,He mother was wild caught , her father domestic born . She was the only egg , and she was hatched very strong and full of life , I got her when she was 12 weeks old , the breeder was diganosed with terminal cancer ,and wanted her to go to a special home. Buttons got her name because she chewed all the buttons off my shirt on the way home , all I could say was "No Buttons " lol thank goodness for tanktops lol , She slept with me everynight it never started out that way , just ended that way , and she was a blanket hog , and a great snuggler.She had about a 300 word vocabulary and loved to talk on the phone, her favorite saying was :HI HOW ARE YOU ? HUH ,GOTTA GO POOP"? she loved to sing witch dr with me and would dance with me lol were on you tube thanks to my hubby so ill put a link here I apolagise in advance for my singing and apperence it was a morning ritual during coffee to play with her .Buttons never was locked in her cage she was very well behaved and didnt need to be locked in , she was spoiled . one night my husnband heard a starnge honking noise , he ran into the living room to find Buttons on the floor ,her tonail had somehow gotten caught in the indoor/outdoor carpet , she was very stressed he untangled her, and she died in his arms .Life has not been the same for us .Buttons was 7 yrs old and not a pet but a memeber of our family ,loseing her has been like loseing a child, and even now I tell her story with tears running down my face and a huge rock where my heart should be.Buttons passed in late feburary 09 . Grief is still with me and somedays are better then others. I buried her in my rose bed ,She loved to be outside with me when I watered my two roses and she loved to be sparayed with the hose . so I put her under my red rose bush . My husband made a memorial slide show but I dont think I can post it due to copywrights .but I have pics of her on photobucket .I miss her soo much and not a day goes by that I dont think about her . Hopefully my pain will faid in time. here is a link to her and my new greys .
That was beautiful I cryed through the whole thing reading it ,I truly hope Buttons is at rainbow bridge.
that would be neat I currently have both my camaras set up to a dvd recorder so I will see if I can get anything interesting downloaded to my pc im hopeing for a clutch , one of them has been spending alot of time in the box , chewing and now leaving some feathers behind, we think we may have seen some Llloovvee{Feel-good-0002006B} dancing about a week ago (fingers crossed) so were waiting to see. just curious since I cant seem to find this info , does anyone know how long it takes a grey to form and lay and egg , I know it doesnt have to be furtile to be layed , but im curious how long to wait because of egg binding. I can find that info on all sorts of birds but not greys for some reason . I love the sounds they make I espesially love the howling Awwoooo lol I just love it , you can see them on face book under missmybuttons, She was my beloved zon .
Yep I am completely ready to take on two breeding birds thats why I bought them because I want babies,I also know that the down side is not to bother them so..... we set up camaras both in the nest box and out side so we can watch them and make shure their eating ect with out having to bother them . They also have their very own room with a privacy curtain so they can see the window and outside but not be disturbed by shadows in the hallway .I am feeding pellets and sprinkling cuddlebone powder for them on it , and I offer lots of fresh veggies and dryed fruit but they are picky . I now present Shrek!! and Pheona!!. (we took this the day we got them home , it was the first time they had been without their nest box in years , we had to set them in front of the window while we got their permanent home ready . I am so in love with them .)Yes I have other birds I have a pair of Cockatiels(Fred and Wilma) who will be blessing us with eggs on the first of the month .
Hi I have a pair of greys who have decided to nest.Im really excited we were hoping they would eventually. so Ive been looking for forums for advice and friends ect. I have bred birds before but this is my first exsperience with greys so it will be an exsperience.