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  1. Hi again Devin. I have to admit,I thought from some of the things you were writing initially that you were a bit of a fruitcake. Seems I was wrong as it looks like you are committed to helping a grey for the right reasons. remember though that its a whole lot different spending an hour with a bird than living with a grey who needs and deserves lots of time and attention. I guess what im trying to say is that it would be a shame for a bird who has allready been through alot to be rehomed yet again if you found it to be to difficult to keep. Or if you get bored of it as you suggested you might with the snake. A grey is not something you can just release into your local woods when you've had enough and neither is a Boa!! Is no one else even remotly concerned about this guy given some of the strange statements he has made? I dont want to cause an argument its only my oppinion and i apologise for any offence.
  2. gr8 advice, thanks so much people. I a will try and put a perch up today near the shower and also try toys and making a fuss of him.. Fingers crossed.
  3. The thing im most worried about is if he injurs himself. he thows himself off his perch which is quite worrying. I thought it may be less distressing for him if i were to dunk him in some water.
  4. zicodee


    Thanks Dan. Ill do my best to sort this out. cheers for the advice
  5. Hi Dawn, Im recently new too and Ive got to say that everyone here is great and their advice is priceless. Nice 1 for helping a bird in need and im sure people here will be able to help you with any issues you might have. Good luck with your new family member.
  6. Im thinking about getting another CAG, a girlfriend for Zico. I would quite like to get another very young bird so they can grow up together. Zico will be 1 in August. Should I wait or go for it? Is there anything I should know about introducing a new bird, and what would you say is the best method to do so?
  7. zicodee


    Hi Natasha, thanks. I was a bit worried about my eyes too, looks like i'll have to get some sunglasses lol. Its really brattish behaviour, he can be a proper little monster at times.
  8. Thank you She. I love my pets each and every 1.
  9. I have Zico my Grey, Kaya my dog, Leah my cat, marine fish and 2 bearded dragons. Scotlands smallest Zoo lol<br><br>Post edited by: zicodee, at: 2009/05/05 15:03
  10. Gotta be newspapers but only when I'm reading them!
  11. zicodee


    I just read that last post back to myself. Am I being bullied by my bird lol?
  12. zicodee


    Hi guys, I'm beggining to wonder what I would do without everyone's help. Zico recently has developed a bit of an attitude, He will sit on my shoulder and sometimes try to chew my t shirt or top. When I tell him NO he would normally stop and just chatter away. Recently when Im telling him NO he makes a loud noise at me and bites me in the face. This is totally new only the last couple of weeks. I have just been staying calm and putting him str8 in his cage for a few mins as a punishment but I dont think its working. Apart from this he seems a relly happy bird. Any advice anyone could offer while I still have a face left would be appreciated.
  13. I am having real problems in bathing my grey. Recently when I spray him he goes crazy, screams constantly, gets seriously distressed and throws himself around his cage so obviously I have stopped this. I have tried putting a water dish at the bottom of his cage but he has ignored this for weeks and instead tries to wash himself in his drinking water which is obviously way too small. He does like to come in the shower room everyday, I think he may like the mist however he will not entertain going anywhere near the water. I have also tried a little water in the sink but he wont have it! Should I dunk him even though I know he wont like it? An advice anyone would be willing to offer I would appreciate alot. I want to make sure I can do all I can to keep him healty.
  14. Can anyone tell me if its true that Zico will moult and grow new feathers at around 18 mnths ? Does this just happen once or does it happen every year or so?
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