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  1. wow, that phone imitation was amazing, i also loved the water sound he makes. thanks for the video
  2. Jamal that is quite a "science experiment" for a 4 year old... what happened to you being against all of the "birdz in the labz"? and Azzie... hahahahaa, you just made me laugh pretty hard.<br><br>Post edited by: MarkN8705, at: 2009/07/19 07:48
  3. yeah i think it would be hard to differentiate greys from one another, but luckily they would recognize their owner in a heartbeat
  4. I have read from many different online sources that normal food color dye (from grocery stores)is OK to use to dye bird toys with. Has anyone used food dye in the past with their bird toys, or know anything about it? Thanks.
  5. a lot of birds do this, my old conure did it. One suggestion would be to put the water bowl and food bowl on opposite sides of the cage.
  6. haha i love it when the grey steals the dogs rubber ducky from his basket, and then flies off :silly:
  7. I was wondering if anyone has a play gym similar to this one... It is only 79.99 on ebay and it's much cheaper then any i've seen around here in stores. If anyone has one like this let me know how your grey likes it. The image isn't posting, so i'll just link it. http://www.lonestaratv.com/bird%20cages/website/P811/P1010815-11.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: MarkN8705, at: 2009/07/08 06:14
  8. thanks azzie, i used a 10% bleach solution and sprayed down the branches really well, i rinsed them off and now they are drying outside.
  9. I have cut some branches from my crape myrtle that i am going to make into perches for my grey. What safe options do I have for cleaning the branches?
  10. Judy and luvparrots, i am about 2 hours away from the breeder. I went and visited the 4 babies when they were first pulled from their nest. One lady put her deposit down before me so she gets first pick between the 4. I probably won't be visiting until it is time to pick out the grey just because of the distance and gas prices these days At first the breeder was skeptical of selling me one of her babies, but i surprised her with my extensive knowledge of greys from all the research from this site, so i have all of you to thank
  11. Hey everyone, i have been reading this forum for about 6 months now. I have done a lot of research and gathered a lot of useful information. After deciding the pros and cons i decided to get a CAG. I will be getting my AG in a few weeks so i thought i would introduce myself. My name is Mark, i live in TX. I am 22 years old and am a full time college student. I am currently working on my bachelors in Criminal Justice, and will be applying to APD within the next few years. I'm not sure if my CAG is male or female yet, i get to choose between three weaned babies when the time comes. I already have the cage set up, and all i need now are some toys. I am still undecided on a name since i'm not sure if it's a male or female. In the past i have had a half-moon conure, he flew into my moms house and after looking for the owner i decided to keep him. I had him for about 4 months in my old apartment, but he was very noisy and my roommate smoked a lot in the apartment. I decided to find him a great new home with a lady who loves birds, she has an eclectus parrot as well. I have talked to her since and she said the conure is doing great. Just wanted to introduce myself and let the moderators know that this forum is great.
  12. jamal do you have downs?
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