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  1. Thanks, I went ahead and spryed her full streanth, I only spryed her with a little. She sccreams and acts like I'm killing her. she hates to get wet.
  2. Hello all, It's been some time since my last logon. Kiki has been in our home for 8 weeks now, we love her and she makes us laugh hard at times. I do have a concern. She has been loseing lots of white feathers and some grey feathers. Is this something I should be worried about? or is there something I can do about it? She get's her bath every Saturday. Did someone here mention aloe vera juice? if so how do I mix it. I bought gallon jug, just have not used it. Thanks a bunch, Kiki and Pam
  3. Ok, I see where your going with this, The parrakkets are in a cage. Ha
  4. Hi! all, I have a really important question. My CAG's poop is most of the time clear with green and a bit loose. Is the a concern? She eats mostly apples, carrots and peanuts every day. very little of her pellets. I try to feed her oatmeal in the morning but she is not eating it. She will eat some seeds. but I don't give her many. Please help. What am I doing wrong?
  5. Well I dont really have to wait, but I bought him/her from a pet store, who agreed to pay for his DNA, Kiki had his wings clipped about a month ago, I'm waiting till his wings and toe nails need cliped again, then we will do the dna. I really belive that Kiki is a Girl, I read that if the tail fethers have a silver tip that its a girl. I'm really exceited I have responses so fast. Thanks.
  6. Hello all! I’m so excited that I have a new member to my family. Kiki, my CAG is the newest member of my household of three Pomeranians, two cats’, 180 gallon fish aquarium with African Cichlids and four parakeets. Not too mention that we feed the birds and other critters out side and I have a husband. We have had Kiki 5 days. I am so worried that I will not be a great mom after reading the WWW there is so much info out there is scares me. I look forward to reading up on the site. It will take me a while to read it all, I have a 40 hour work week, and very busy when I get home. I hope I will get encouraging responses with valuable info. I will upload a photo as soon as I can. My husband a lung disease, Kiki is very dusty; He will be nine months old on the first of August. I have read the info on bathing a grey. I guess I will try to introduce him to a bath this weekend. I have found that he or she really loves carrots, is too many bad? In about three months I will bring back to the pet store where i bought him and have his wings cliped and toes trimed and tested for his DNA. I really want to know if he is a he/she. Thanks for reading. Pam and Kiki
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