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  1. very nice pics i wish my grey would use the bath not his water dish, ive tryed to take him in the bath but he ends up sat on the side of the sink or clawing my shoulder trying to get away from the water, i even put an inch in the bottom of the bath but he wasnt having that either.....how strange their mind works lol
  2. ozzy was brought up on mixed tropical seed mix has seed nuts dried fruit this is his staple food. he then also has a little of anything we are eating i also share fruits with him but he is not a salad fan he likes some veg though
  3. im not a new owner but this is so touching and so true
  4. omg you should hear my bird, lol when we got him all he said was sware words, the previous owners had gone on holiday with the kids left the bird with friends, when they came back the so call friends taught the bird the blue of bluest words, we dont have kids so we dont find this a problem but lest just say first thing in a morning i get out of bed and here what sounds like a abusive man only to find out its the parrot he says so much more now but he still swares almost 3 yrs on
  5. my grey used to grab his wing with his foot and scream the house down as if someone was causing him halm.... it was just his way of trying to get attention, i found he only did this when he is board, so i kept swaping his toys or give him something new and it seems to stop it what ever you do, dont reward him with attention or he will feel when he screams you come running
  6. hi all, my name is cassy, im 32 from the UK, i have my grey as my profile pic, he (well i have always thought of him as a he but he hasnt been dna sexed) is called Ozzy, he is about 5 yrs old ( we have had him about 3 yrs) we bought him off a couple who could no longer keep him as they had children and he had learnt lots of sware words and said little else. anyway he still swares which we dont mind but he says sooooo much more now, if fact we have problems shutting him up sometimes we have 6 other birds 2 pairs of love birds ( given to us i would have said no they are very noisy ) a cockateil (which i have had her for about 14 yrs) and a crimson rosella who is not very tame at all anyway ozzy he is my parrot, he dosnt like hubby much. he eats anything, drinks anything and he is a big baby very tame and loves to tip himself upside down while hanging off my fingers<br><br>Post edited by: cassyjr, at: 2009/04/14 23:43
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