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  1. A few pics of Harrison Pics of Jackie
  2. Well great news for Jackie today... She has allowed us to act as step up finger for her to exit her cage for the first time. Im really pleased its taken her only a week to trust us. The first thing she did when perched on top of her cage was to spread her wings and flap. We have noticed tho that because she went tru a period of feather plucking befor she arrived here is that she has taken feathers off her left wing so is currently unable to fly but she seem really happy to just spread her wings and flap. Well Done Jackie xx
  3. I had an upset daughter one day she came running in to me said what had happened and as she finished explaining the story Harrison went awwwww!!! needless to say we burst out laughing. Other time when Im telling the kiddies off Harrison repeats his Awwwwwwwww with my reply not the right time lol They are very clever babies Im proud to be slave to two of them.
  4. A nip, A full on bite and a draw blood bite... I have had them all!!!!! the worse kind is the sneaky kiss bite... I ask for a kiss Harrison leans in for the kiss I move closer them WHAM the bite!!! (Harrison bites me not me bite Harrison) (then again that could be a new side to the biting game!!!!) Harrison does not stop with just me as there is seven people in the house he is not fussy who he bites we all taste different to him. Its like a seven course meal in our house!!!!
  5. Its been a long time since I last posted (over two years) Im the proud owner to Harrison he has turned out to be quite a chirpie thing lol never shuts up and is a joy to us all. Harrison is now two years and 2 months old and I have just adopted another grey who goes by the name as Jacko (we will start calling her Jackie tho since she laid an egg I take it as a sure fire way she is no longer a he) Jackie moved in 4 days ago and she is 15 years old. Due to sad circumstances she had to be rehomed. I am assured she is a very chatty grey but because in her previous home the activity levels reduced around her and she started to pull her feathers. Already after 4 days she seems relaxing here we have not pushed for anything from her ie stepping up as I know she needs time to settle in and get to know and trust us first. I am pleased to say tho that she has taken food from us when we have offered it and just tonight she chirped her first tune not much but its a start. I will be sure to keep you all posted on both my babies x
  6. Hi Im an expectant mum to be. My baby grey will be moving in at the end of May (Im sooooo looking forward to this wonderful day) He....(has been dna tested so I know for sure) will be addressed as Harrison and will be 15 weeks old when he joins the family. I have joined here as I want to learn loads more to enable a happy contented life for Harrison and with Harrison.
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