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Everything posted by sarah8002

  1. hi, as i am new to all this i am still asking lots of questions and i want to say thanks for your answers, but i do have another question my african grey jack has started doing a very high pitch screech but with this he has got his wings half up head down and looking straight at me..as he has not been out of the cage at all or been handled im unsure as to what this may mean. as it turns out someone told me to let him out on his own terms which i did and he came out,getting him back in was a little difficult but he didnt sqwark which i have heard is a good sign...thanks again sarah x
  2. thankyou all 4 getting back to me so quick, i found out today that jack loves cooked brussel sprouts, after i read someone else had tried this i thought i would give it a go and bingo he let me feed him from my hand inside the cage so i am very pleased with that... i didnt push it anymore after just in case he decided to bite me....can anyone tell me if i have to get his claws or beak clipped as im not to sure about all that yet?thanks.
  3. thanks for getting back to me, i have been misting him 2 a wk but he does not like this at all,but to b honest i dont think he has ever had a bath, i have got him an appointment with the vet but its not until nxt mnth,hopeing this would give him time to settle.i will have a look in the food room to see what i can do.thanks again.
  4. hi, i really need some help i have just been given an african grey called jack, as far as i know he is 3yrs old and is a caged bird he has never been out of the cage or handled in anyway. i have had him for 3wks and he seems quite at ease,but he has already plucked himself.He seems ok when i put my hand in the cage to do his food etc but thats about as far as i have took it at the moment, he is quite happy i would say (singing and talking) and he is eating well. i just wondered if anyone could give me any pointers on how to get him to come out of the cage,with out me stressing him out anymore than i need to.He seems a lovely bird but i think he has had a bit of a rough ride he is only 3 but looks old and scruffy if you get what i mean, i have started adding fresh fruit and veg to his food as he only lived on seeds, please could you tell me if im doing the right thing by keeping him coz i would love to have him,but if its not the right thing to be doing i would rather he went to someone with experiance. i have got a parrot owner coming round to c him nxt wk hopefully she can help too.thanks for any replys.
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