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Everything posted by gingergal4L8R

  1. I think they are cute as buttons....
  2. I am trying to put up a photo of the pair but am unable to.
  3. I have just received a pair of parroletes. The female attacks and the male is very passive. They are a year old, and I am their 3rd home. Should I just have them as looking glass pets, a breeding pair, or how do I train them to be hand held birds.... anyone know much about these small babies. Ginger Post edited by: gingergal4L8R, at: 2009/05/19 03:48<br><br>Post edited by: gingergal4L8R, at: 2009/05/19 03:49
  4. Thank you very much for taking the time out to let me know this... A friend of mine just picked up a pair of parrolettes and you have described them to me to a tee.... She did not know what the heck was wrong with them. I will let her know. Anyways, thanks again for the info...
  5. Hi to all breeders.... I have noticed in the past few posts that a few breeders have said the pairs they have to breed are not pets... I was just curious as to why.... Ginger
  6. I think the breeder was going to oust the little guy cause he would not be a breeder....
  7. Hello to a fellow BCer.. My CAG is missing 2 toes on one foot and 3 toes on another. Because he was second hand to me, I do not know more to the story.. but I do know the privious owner said they were going to get rid of him due to being a non breeder, so she paid for him and took him home. He is a bit clumsy without his toes but works well and has adapted. He does not climb like he would be able to as I find I have to help him to some spots on his cage as he is dangling from his beak when going to his perch.... Let us know how he is making out without his toes.
  8. Thanks for both replies.... My grey's name is Clueso, I tend to call him ClueClue for some reason, cuter I guess. He has been to the vet, I weigh him every 2 weeks to make sure he is at a healthy weight. I actually have been reading this forum for some time now and figured what a better place to share, ask questions and become an expert myself. Unfortunately for Clueso and myself it has been a learning experience for both of us... but we have a special bond and I will not stop trying until I see a full tail spred again.
  9. Hi Everyone, I am owned by my 2 birds.... a Green Cheek Conure and an CAG. I have had both for about a year and a half now. I had birds in my life all my life... Between a Cocketeil, Java Sparrow, and a Mustache Parakeet. This is my second Green Cheek as my first one was only with me for 2 weeks and I found him on the bottom of the cage. The vet said he must have gotten scared as we were having 5 days of storm weather. Sad, so this one is the replacement bird. The breeder did not even charge me for the second bird as he felt so bad... was not his fault, the little guy was healthy. We are the second home for our 5 year old Grey. He is a very nervous bird and the day he came to live with us, was the day he started picking. So I have a bare bum bird with no red feathers. Over the last year I have been working with him, and trying to get his feathers back. I am hoping it will change soon. I see progress and then it starts again... One day I say... Because of my CAG demands on toys, and the amount of friends I have with birds that need toys, I have recently started selling the toys I make to the community of birds friends I have. It all started with me making a few willow wreaths..... it always does... lol Anyways, just thought I would join in to get some info and thoughts.... Cheers, Ginger
  10. <br><br>Post edited by: gingergal4L8R, at: 2009/04/19 20:50
  11. I love your playhouse for her.... what did you use on the bottom?
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