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  1. Thank you very much. I hope so too.
  2. Hi Summer. No News yet. I've started to lose hope a bit. I also have been extremely busy and although I printed the posters, I haven't got a chance to go put them in local schools. We are buying our first house and I keep thinking he should have been witnessing the moment with us. Too bad he's not. I thought of buying another grey and at least Sindbad will have a companion when/if he's back. But we've put all our savings in the downpayment and we have to be on tight budget for a few months. Any way, I'll keep you posted. Thanks for asking.
  3. Elementary school. That's a brilliant idea.Thanks a bunch.
  4. Well, I went to the apartment and knocked at the door and a lady opened the door.. I asked about the guy and she told me he'd be there by 12. I told her he was selling me the bird and I asked if I could see it. She was reluctant. When I told her that I'm doubting somebody sold my bird to this guy and I just wanted to make sure it is my bird, she let me in. It is NOT my bird. I feel SOOOOO ASHAAAAMED. I don't know how to make it up for this guy for doubting his integrity. I feel every time I come close to my bird I start from square one again. This is so depressing.
  5. I really appreciate all your advice on the matter. Just to let you know this guy hasn't called me yet and I called him twice and left two messages. He is not a bird lover or a bird owner and he has no stories to share. One of his neighbors told me he's had it for two or three weeks, but they are not sure. But they said that (the words were to me by another neighbor) before I told them when I lost mine. The guy was very defensive in the beginning when I talked to him , and when I told him I would buy it, he answered right away using the same words I used when I talked to him in my lot last week. He said he's family. He is flat out lying about the whole thing. He even said he bought it from Orange County and this is what I told him when I was talking to him (that I live in Orange County). As soon as I mentioned the $1000 he had a big smile on his face and changed his attitude. If we put all the puzzles together we find out that he is a lier. I'm just being careful not to lose my bird and to get assurances so that I'm not relying on hunches. Any way, pray for me.
  6. This is the plan I have been working on since yesterday. I just got worried he didn't call me yesterday after work. But I will call him today and just go check him out. Then I'll make my decisions based on his responses.
  7. I already convinced him that I want to buy the bird for $1000. I'll call him today and see what he says. It's interesting that the kids of the building were playing there and they said his bird was different, and the bird really did not say any of the words he says. That's why I didn't try to open the screen door and get him. Also, all neighbors were already aware I was there and they were watching and I know the area is not very safe. At any rate, I'm trying to control my emotions and think right. I couldn't sleep much over night thinking what the day will reveal. And when I slept for a couple of hours I dreamt that I went to the guy and found out that it was my bird, so I beated the hill out of that guy. It felt so good (although I'm not really an agressive person). hahaha Just wish me luck. I'll also call the cops if I have to.
  8. Yeah, but I didn't wanna do that before I see him and hold him and know for sure it is my bird. But what would the cops do if he insists it is his bord and that he says a few words in Spanish and has no band??
  9. I did a DNA test to check the sex of my parrot a few months ago. I'm wondering if the lab who did it might have the DNA code to prove that a specific bird is my bird. Would they have the DNA code to compare to? Thanks
  10. Hi every one. I just posted an update in a new thread under the topic "What to do to get him back?" Please read it and give me your opinions. Thanks a lot.
  11. Hello every one. It's 1:00 AM and I couldn't sleep. I decided to seek advice. For those of you who are not following my CAG's disappearance story, he flew away on December 23rd, and I have been looking for him ever since then. On December 25 someone called in response to my posters that I put every where and was negotiating the rewards then claimed that was going to look for him and claimed he didn't have him then (although I agreed for the $300 he asked for). Last Friday someone stopped by my dealership and asked if the bird cage was for sale. I had another small cage out in front of the office that I use for my sun conure. I told the guy it was for my bird and it wasn't for sale. Then I asked him which cage and he mentioned he was talking about the big cage. So I told him about my Sindbad and how he flew on the 23rd. He asked how much are those African greys. I told him at least $1000. So he mentioned he had one of them and he was looking for cage because he has smaller cage the size of the cage I have for my sun conure. I told him to keep an eye on my bird which might come to him because of his bird, and I was late for a meeting so I rushed out. As I was driving I played back the conversation that I had with him in a hurry, and I noticed any African grey owner would know how much they are. Otherwise how did he get his. I felt so stupid that I let this guy go like that. but I started looking more closer to the intersection he mentioned to me he lived at. Today right before sunset, I was out walking looking for my bird, and I noticed a guy standing by a house with another guy from the phone company. Apparently he was fixing the cables. I approached them and told them about my bird and said that I would give a reward then I left. In 10 minutes this guy called me and mentioned that where they were standing fixing the cables, they can hear different whistles. I rushed there and kept listenning, but I wasn't sure where the sounds are coming from. So I took some flyers and starting knocking at doors in the few houses and apartments in that area till I came to where the sound was coming from. When I knocked at the door, the neighbor told me there was nobody there. I noticed the door behind the screen was ajar and to my surprise I could see the bird in his cage inside. I called on my bird and I heard the short high piched call that he always made in his first attempts to call me and when I looked the bird was at the top of the cage wall facing me frantically holding the bars, letting the bard with one foot and holding with other then swapping foots as if he is trying to get to me. It was after sunset at that time but I could swear this is my Sindbad. I just didn't know what to do. I kept asking all the neighbors and what I understood from them was that the owner comes from work at 10 PM. They are all Spanish. One neighbor told me where the guy works (in a burger place a few blocks away) so I went there and I wasn't very surprised to see the same guy who came to my dealership last Friday. The guy completely denied every thing and mentioned that this is his bird and not mine and he speaks Spanish, which I'm sure he taught him something. I told him that I wanted to buy the bird. He smiled and said $1000. I said ok. He promised to call me after he finishes work, but he never called. I just wanted to make sure he is my bird. I don't know what to do in the morning. Should I call the cops? The guy mentioned that his bird does not have a closed band, and it makes me sick to think that he tortured Sindbad to break that band. If I call the cops would they be able to help me? What should I do in the morning? Please advise me. I was very emotionally shaken when I saw the reaction of that bird. Of course I can't pay the guy $1000 and reward him for what he did. He told me on Friday that he saw my posters every where. I can't sleep, thinking what I can do tomorrow. Your urgent advice is much appreciated. Good night.
  12. Thanks Summer. I am actually monitoring craigslist on a daily basis.. even a few times a day. May be... you never know.
  13. I don't know!!! I'm afraid that my thoughts that this guy must have taken my bird may be only a hunch that I got out of dispair. I have no evidence and I have no proof. What if he didn't take him? I'll try to retrieve the number from the bill and call him again and see what happens. Sindbad's absence has made me quite depressed most of the time, esp. that I'm starting to have less hope in his return.
  14. Unfortunately no. I'm quite depressed. I'm almost sure that guy who was asking for $300 reward had him. I told him I would pay it, but he said he was gonna look for him. But I'm positive he had him and he wasn't sure I would give him the money because I was really disgusted with him when he asked for more money. He misinterprited it. I called the number a few days ago and someone who does not speak much English answered and said that guy was just using the phone and he would give him the message. I have little hope of finding him now. I don't know where to look. I've been walking around at sunrise, talking to people and giving them flyers, and replacing those poster that were taken off. But I don't know where to go or where to look any more. I found one of his feathers in my office, and I kept it, and another one at home. I keep looking at them and hope I'll get him back one day. I haven't been able to find the ID# that he had on his band. Called the store where he was purchased but they couldn't retrieve it because he was not registered immediately upon purchase on their computer.((
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