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  1. What a relief !!! There are no bare spots. Ive tried many forms of vegs but he only likes the puree ,I will keep trying the other forms. Yes I have a smaller cage I will use it . So for the intro Im victoria I live in northern quebec My baby grey, his a name is squeaks (not very original I know) hes quite a charactor hates my cat every opportunity he gets, squeaks shows the cat who's the boss. I also have a hahn's macaw he's the most fiesty parrot ,tiny but thinks hes a big bird. I have a large cat whos terrified of my parrots. tommarow I will upload picures of my zoo :0) Thanks for reponding very much appreciated.
  2. My baby is about 1 year old he always had the most beautiful feathers but now he looks rather scruffy I'm very paranoid I am doing something wrong. Hes my first african grey so any advice would be appreciated. He is so very sensitive , I have tried misting him in the shower he hates water. He wont even eat vegetables or fruit in the whole form I have to puree them and make him smoothies everyday. I need to know the difference between molting and plucking and what I should do.
  3. My baby is about 1 year old he always had the most beautiful feathers but now he looks rather scruffy I'm very paranoid I am doing something wrong. Hes my first african grey so any advice would be appreciated. He is so very sensitive , I have tried misting him in the shower he hates water. He wont even eat vegetables or fruit in the whole form I have to puree them and make him smoothies everyday. I need to know the difference between molting and plucking and what I should do.
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