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Status Updates posted by Joolesgreyuk

  1. Hi Jane, where abouts are you in England?

  2. Hi, where are you in Plymouth?

  3. Dee is a top parront, devestated when losing her beloved Juno we wept with her but she is turning that grief into a positive by doing something about it instead of feeling sorry for herself. I admire you for that Dee and I'm so glad you are around on this forum. xx

  4. Ah Jill, what can I say about Jill LOL. Always here, always full of fun and always...erm paranoid about Harvey! There is no other Jill (what is that I hear you say - thank God for that?!) Just kidding Jill, great to have you on the forum. Harvey & Beau are practically siblings at one month apart in age. xx

  5. Dan you's da man, thank you for all your help and advice which was forthcoming from day 1. You are the voice of reason - always polite (though sometimes that must be difficult lol) and part of my forum family. I hope that you will always be around. x

  6. Along with Caroline my two English "bessy parrot-type mates". Thanks for all your help and advice, particularly with Argyle. Always there form day 1. Thanks Sheila, your friendship is valued. xx

  7. Well what can I say about my mate Jude from t'other side of the pond? Always there for me with help, advice and friendship - not all of it parrot related. Thanks for being you Jude. Luv ya. xx

  8. Janet, As with your children I know you shouldn't have favourites but you are one of mine. You always reply to my posts (no matter how silly) and you come across as a warm, caring human being. Luv ya. xx

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