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Everything posted by Raphael

  1. Ok, I am now back on track and looking since our parrot flew away yesterday and was very luckily returned by somebody who had found it today. It escaped through the cage which was one of the reasons I was looking for a new one. The cage is now fully secured. I stumbled across this one and wanted to know your opinion: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Jersey-Parrot-Bird-Cage-Antique-Grey-Free-Extras_W0QQitemZ190310638858QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Pet_Supplies_Birds?hash=item2c4f65e50a&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=66%3A2%7C65%3A3%7C39%3A1%7C240%3A1318%7C301%3A0%7C293%3A2%7C294%3A50<br><br>Post edited by: Raphael, at: 2009/06/01 20:06
  2. Thanks for the help. Its very frustrating for some reason all the cages at up to 80cm are around £100 and anything above doubles in price.
  3. Something like that is pretty much twice the price i have I have sweeped ebay and cant seem to find the right one
  4. Thank you, I came across that earlier and thought it was no good since it is only 61cm wide.
  5. Im not after the san remo in specific if there is something else around but its a bit harder since im in the UK maybe. I have been looking through ebay and all the high ones seem to be maybe only 70-75cm wide.
  6. Is the san remo a no then? I desperately need to upgrade what I have at the moment, it was a temporary thing and the san remo looked very good because I understand that they need to be at least 3ft wide.<br><br>Post edited by: Raphael, at: 2009/05/31 00:09
  7. Would a montana san remo be adequate to house a congo?
  8. Today for the first time (as I type this message), she is on her stand next to me and has managed to stay for her record time...about 5 minutes. She is still on it, thanks for all the help guys.
  9. Thank you everyone. I just forgot to mention one thing, she seems to be biting her claws here and there and they do seem quite long, how would I go about clipping them?
  10. Here is a photo of her: By the way, most days she is out for about 2 sometimes three hours and on weekends, up to four or five. I do sometimes bring her round with me on the stand but she sometimes finds it difficult to stay. Thanks for all the help.<br><br>Post edited by: Raphael, at: 2009/03/29 23:09
  11. I have a spiral rope which she loves to stand on and also a stand, she likes to stand mainly on the spiral rope but I soon as I enter the room she will fly straight to me. I don't shrug her off or put her back. I really do spend quite a lot of time with her but she never seems to have enough.
  12. Hello, I have a one year old CAG that I have had for 2 weeks. The bird was bought from family who have had it since it was a baby. We believe she is a female. Over the past two weeks she has been very interactive and adjusted very well to the new surroundings. She is very tame but always begging for attention. I let her out daily for at least an hour and give her much attention. The problem is that she never wants to stay on her cage/stand and even less to go back in the cage. Everytime I walk away, she will fly back onto me. To get her in the cage, I have to put a treat inside otherwise she will not even consider it.
  13. Hello, I have an AG that has been with me for 2 weeks now. It is one year old. The problem is that every time it comes out the cage, it flies straight onto me. I do not avoid it at all, I have been giving it much attention daily. When its time to leave the room, I put it on the cage/stand, as soon as I start to walk away, it flies back onto me. What can I do?
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