Well... my father had a Macaw while I was growing up. As far as my extended family of birds, I have...
1. I have a Blue Headed Pionus. Her name is Button. *For the record... Button has no DNA and is only referred to as a she for writing.* She was born mid July of last year and has been with me since Jan. I was offered Button from a friend who moved. When I went to pick her up, she bonded with me on the spot. She already says 12 words that are loud enough to be heard over the tv or a radio. She does have some rasp but words are annunciated well. She does the step up & step down. I'm working with her on other commands.
2. A CAG. His name is Quasimodo. I took him into my home on March 25. He's 10 and I'm his second 'and last' family.
He seams to be liking it here so far. I have been opening the cage door and giving him the oppertunity to come out at his will. I thought this afternoon has was coming out for sure. Almost there.... wings ready to float down, he can see his glide path... ... just gotta take that step. I know it'll take time. He's been out 2 times, each by just walking out of the cage. Each time he allowed me to have him step up and down to his perch, then up from the perch and down in his house without nipping. He will nip though 'expected' if you try to get him to step up from his perch in his house. On one of those times, he allowed me to take him for a bit of a walk around the room without any bad behavior. He does talk a bit but you can tell he is being reserved about speech. He does many mimic noises and has picked up some new ones since here 'the whistle to the movie {The Good, The Bad & The Ugly}.
I don't think this bird had much one to one time with his past owner. It's only commands are step up and step down. He said he never fed the bird fruit as it didn't like it, yet... Quasimodo eats a vast verity from my fingers daily. The bird sees me coming with it and is like a dog waiting for the bone. Since night one, the only time I put my hand in the cage is to offer him a nut or some fruit. I'll test him for a step up but can somewhat read him 'reading me' and try to keep it very positive. I'm going to give him a little more time to feel comfy in his new home and with positive thoughts from interaction before trying to get into a great deal of behavior modifications.
Both birds seam to be doing well with having another bird near by. They can see each other 24/7 'except at night when covered'. In the morning and evening when it's Buttons singing time, the Grey will join in with various noises as well as mimic Button 'he does that already'.
I'm hoping 2 things might hold true here....
A. The 2 birds have a peaceful cohabitation.
B. The Grey is taking the lead from the Pionus on interaction. The Grey observes the times when I work with Button. I think it would be great if he see's that play / learning time as a positive interaction and want to join in on the fun. Since the Grey observes 'we are only a few feet away'... I bring him into the convo to make him feel like he's part. He seams receptive.
It shouldn't be long with luck... the glass is half full. I do have photos of both my birds in my gallery here.
*Sorry so long*