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Everything posted by babypiggy

  1. Ragga wrote: three was used one at each end and one in the middle
  2. GorgASS wrote: LOL oopsies the toy one is suppose to be 1" or so because then u put it into the connectors it takes off about 1/5"<br><br>Post edited by: babypiggy, at: 2009/08/03 04:16
  3. Ragga wrote: there is one at each end and one in the middle
  4. making the holes on the back part of the perch is the tricky part. u gotta cut it enough so the suction cupz fit super snug
  5. hes doing realy well... talks plays ok with strangers..steps up for them but won't let them pet him
  6. hehe i thought it would give him a nice view he no longer uses that perch as much since he got a playstand but he did however chew the suction cups away only has one suction cup left
  7. i hope your guy adjusts better with his toes missing...unfortunately the breeder didn't tell me anything bout his feet even when we first inquiered... ajax gets around well.. he even hangs upside down sometimes on his playstand while playing.. gingergal4L8R wrote: <br><br>Post edited by: babypiggy, at: 2009/04/20 18:30
  8. if this is the same ray i know from another forum... are u gonna wear deoderant in this forum? LOL GreyGhost wrote:
  9. wow kelowna eh? i have tried harrisions when ajax was 6 months old.. didn't touch he.. i would first mix a bit into his regular pellets.. but he only picked out his regular pellets... since he was underweight i couldn't risk him not eating... no he wans't named after ajax on.. lol named after a greek warrior MrsB wrote:
  10. this is what i've been told so i hope i have passing onto the right information.. your grey is molting if the ends (the pointy part... i guess the quill?) of the feather is round and not damaged... your grey is plucking if the feather end is chewed and damaged.. plucked feathers <br><br>Post edited by: babypiggy, at: 2009/04/01 05:37
  11. i try to make things as we had a store bought one and i didn't like the design on it as most shower perch have the eye hook on the perch they stand on for toys... well how on earth would ajax play with the toy that is hanging down if he doesn't have "normal grip"
  12. yes i colored em i used a dye product called vita critter
  13. lol poop is interesting has anyone ever looked at your fid's poop? i have! a few things i learnt is.. that they do swallow some of the threads from a rope toy.. over view he ate some string i'm not sure what these are but i think it's part of some leafy greens <br><br>Post edited by: babypiggy, at: 2009/03/28 05:24
  14. no not at all.. she just told me that there was some serious trauma caused to his toes.. i believe it happened in the nest.. as to the breeder.. lets just say i would not deal with that one agian and i hope nobody does Lyric wrote:
  15. yes i KNOW U!!!! on ANAG i'm glad tyco is doing well! Tycos_mom wrote:
  16. he's prety well behaved move of the time especially when we are out but there are the odd times where he has to let someone have his wraith!
  17. yes now he knows whenever we transfer him from the play stand to the table top stand he knows it's dinner time.. actually he paces back and forth when we move the table top stand from the end of the table to near the middle (with newspaper under.. i think i may try to get a tray for it some how)
  18. possibilities are endless if you got a couple of imagination from you and/or other ppl
  19. lol caitb even tho the pvc are hollow.. the thing all together is pretty heavy hurray for caster wheels
  20. yes when i got him back i felt really relieved felt like i won the lottery
  21. i try to provide as much as i can to make his life fulfilling
  22. aww thanks for the warm welcome you guys :blush: yes is very spoiled.. we moved to our new place in oct.. but during that time the door didn't close in time as we wer emoving big furniture out of the old place.. and ajax flew away he was missing for 8 days in oct... we got a phone call one morning saying they found our boy.. we literally left right away in our pj's luckily he returned home as 2 days later it started to snow.. and not to mention that there are hawks and eagles around
  23. this is the playstand i made this is where he spends ALL day... when we are home.. when we are not home he's in his cage <br><br>Post edited by: babypiggy, at: 2009/03/27 05:44
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