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Everything posted by Supernova

  1. Hmm! that is what I thought [she would know] Would I be better getting a new bottom grill and leave it at that?
  2. I am very new here and I thank you all for the welcome. But I have a question. My Ben has been in her home for just over 3 years now and her cage is showing signs that it needs changing. The bottom grill is starting to corrode and the cleaning is getting diffacult because of the nooks and cranies. Have you any good makes I am in England? I know about size, metal, powder coating, open top and all. Also can she take the change to a new different style cos it would be a very big change very quick? Sorry if this posted in the wrong place, if so please move it. SN.
  3. I have some pics of my other pets, but cant put them on the, my other friends bit can anybody help? I am new to this puter stuff
  4. Me to, I love it, penguins can swim so it aint that bad. judygram, I am going to take your advice and make a proper pic in a frame of the first one. My camera is a 12.5 mega pix so I can blow it up.
  5. No probs I had no idea myself till somebody pointed it out :whistle:
  6. It took me a long time to get the pics sorted but worth it. BTW, Ben is a lady parrot.
  7. Thank you all for the very nice comments, Ben is getting bashfull now.
  8. That is amazing :ohmy: If I tried that with my cat, Tiggs and Ben I am sure it end up in tears.
  9. Here are some more recent pics of my little baby, Ben :kiss: And a close up.
  10. Well I am trying. :whistle: Bye Bye for now, all clean:)<br><br>Post edited by: Supernova, at: 2009/03/28 15:43
  11. Sorry this pic is the only one that works
  12. Hi All as promised. This is Ben having a spray bath on the kitchen tap. In the last pic he is waving bye bye. Hope you like them oops they ane not here I will try again. Post edited by: Supernova, at: 2009/03/28 13:48 Post edited by: Supernova, at: 2009/03/28 14:05<br><br>Post edited by: Supernova, at: 2009/03/28 14:08
  13. I am going to post some pics of Ben having a bath and some others soon. Thank you all for the welcome.
  14. Good point about Benetta, but Ben is a fussy etta so I will ask her.
  15. Ben Says, Hi to everybody and thanks for the welcome.
  16. Thanks everybody, I am going to like it here, I have some questions but I can ask later. Ben is a great friend to me, She is devoted to me and I love her to bits. It may take me time to get to grips with this forum and the layout because I am dyslexic but I am sure Ben will help me hehe.
  17. Wow! wot a quick reply. Ben, SHE, can say Hello when ever I come in the morning Goodbye when ever I go to work and Night Night at bedtime also makes phone calls, cookoo clock, coughs, sneezes, berps, beeps that needs explaining, creekey doors, light switches, dog barks, cat meeows [we have both], And lots more, also the USA national Anthum, and the tune to Laurl & Hardy, And she Bites the Mother in law which is OK with me.
  18. Hi everybody, I am new here this is my first contact. My African Grey is Ben, She [ahem, just found out]is 3 years old and full of cheek, he sorry she can talk her head off and copy all the sounds in our home. I dont know what else to say but. Hello.
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