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Everything posted by Supernova

  1. This is my little friend Ollie he is my Mum in law's little pooch. I did teach him to fetch when he was here because he loves to play with a ball. :) :kiss:
  2. danmcq wrote: I have updated the last shot.
  3. judygram wrote: JILL has a man flu thing, she is soldering on something ? Well I am going to brave the sub zero cold by the lake. My boat is going ice breaking :evil: . Expecting 12 to 18 inches? Typical woman never satisfied with a small snow flurry. I think it is time for Tiggs to go nude water skiing. :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
  4. luvparrots wrote: I will have mine on under my ski jacket and woolie hat, I WILL BE THERE. :woohoo::woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
  5. A WARNING!!!!! DONT!!! EVER!!! look at the Sun with a Telescope it will blind you. My scope is very special, it cost a fortune. For the tecies it picks up the red light of hydrogen alpha with a wavelength of 656.3nm (1nm = 1 billionth of a meter) All other light is filtered out. That is why I can look directly at the sun with it.
  6. Had a bash at taking some shots of the Sun today but not very good, I can see the new Sun spots but the camera cant pick them up very well. The atmosphere is a bit duff. If you look to the center of the 4 black dots you can see the new sun spot It is about 3 times the size of our Earth Post edited by: Supernova, at: 2009/12/19 17:14<br><br>Post edited by: Supernova, at: 2009/12/19 17:20
  7. Thanks Dan, I don't have proof but if you think nothing can travel faster than light [670, 616, 629 mph] it would take 4.5 years to get to our closest star in Alpha centauri. Our fastest object is going to Pluto now at 50,000MPH and it will take another 10 years. Nothing has been discovered that can support life at the extremes. If life out there can build a ship to travel at the speed of light then they have already been here or cant be bothered because the Earth is a spec of cosmic dust in the vast universe. The largest object known is the same diameter and circumference as the orbit of Mars around the Sun. That is big. We cant see it with big telescopes but when it goes Supernova We will know about it!! Time travel is not going to happen in the future because if it was why have they not been back yet? We cant even get to Mars yet! Yes there is life out there, I have no doubt, but to evolve like we have, no, we where lucky to get this far that is because our planet has been stable for a long time, That is changing even now. I don't think we will get out of our solar system before our Sun engulfs our Earth.
  8. I beleive there is life out there but not visiting us.
  9. JillyBeanz wrote: Hardly worth it because they don't exist, but you can if you want to.
  10. http://www.popularmechanics.com/science/air_space/4308242.html
  11. Jill thought it was a carp idea :angry:
  12. It will be on the pond this Sunday COLD, SNOW, I dont care it is going for a swim :woohoo: :woohoo:
  13. I have been thinking there are some people very intrested in my Moon and Sun pics, also some intrest in the future involved with Astronomy. So I thought it would be a good idea to have this spot for talking about the subject. Rules 1/ no mucking about :-) 2/ no mucking about :-) 3/ post anything to do with future events you find intresting. So to start. The Moon. http://www.gmto.org/ http://www.jwst.nasa.gov/ If Admin think this is not a good idea then please let me know Post edited by: Supernova, at: 2009/12/18 16:47<br><br>Post edited by: Supernova, at: 2009/12/18 17:00
  14. I did not get where I am today by being nice I got here by bus.
  15. Just think Lyn IF it was the F1 key, Headlines would say---- Button injured in F1 accident!! :woohoo: :woohoo:
  16. And you say I make excuses, ha! How long have you been soldering then babe I have some loose wires. :woohoo:
  17. I have given them an option to fix it by there deadline of 14 days that is till monday, or the 2 year contract is finnished and if they try to get out of it I will take them to court and they will incur all expences. I have spoken
  18. Janet, I have no secrets, <br><br>Post edited by: Supernova, at: 2009/12/18 12:48
  19. JillyBeanz wrote: Absolutely bonkers I agree.
  20. TalkTalk is a con DONT TOUCH IT
  21. A quick update. My engineer has made a new prop shaft out of super hard steel and new bearings out of phosphor bronze. This will be installed on Sunday. The new fuel mixture is being used next time and we should see a vast improvement in speed and handling. The TOY is run in now
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