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Everything posted by TopalBird

  1. up and down, he looks happy but is that a happy expression or a nervous? I am trying to figure out what he likes besides food...:unsure:
  2. Ok, this may sound crazy but this old feller (Topal) has been acting a little strange with his cup. He has been playing with a Mc Donalds Cup in his cage, and my husband thinks he may be trying to mate with the cup. He says that he has been purring and putting a leg up on the cup. LOL!!! He loves this cup..It has really been keeping him occupied latley, and also he lets me hold it while he tries to tear it to pieces. I don't even know if he is really a male or not, but this new behavior is very interesting to me.
  3. No, I haven't had Topal all these years, but I have known him since I was a kid. Me and hubby grew up together, a block apart. I always thought Topal was an awesome bird because of his wide vocab. His family had 4 birds in all. They had a horrible screaming cockatoo, a Mc Caw who died, and a little green bird who was eaten be the dog. The Mc Caw did not talk much. The little green one was just a baby when he was killed. The Cockatoo said "hello" and screamed, thats it. Anyhow, My MIL did not want Topal anymore, so me and my husband took him home one day. He had been living all alone in her home. It was being fed a few times a week. Poor bird..I know. I have had him for almost 2 months, I think. He has consumed much of my time. I love just sitting and observing him. He doesn't let me touch him though. Nobody can. I bet all you guys with young birds feel like new mothers.
  4. Aww, she is pretty, Congratulations...
  5. This bird looks so bald, he looks naked. He needs to put some clothes on. He is plucking all the fuzz off his already bald body. He does this every night. doesn't he know this is not good???
  6. Well thank the Lord I love my mother in law, my bird sounds JUST LIKE HER! I never call my husband Tommy, but the bird yells "Tommy, come here" among many other things...But about 90% of what he says is in her voice. He was her bird for the last 30 some years.
  7. Well thank the Lord I love my mother in law, my bird sounds JUST LIKE HER! I never call my husband Tommy, but the bird yells "Tommy, come here" among many other things...But about 90% of what he says is in her voice. He was her bird for the last 30 some years.
  8. I am just curious. I noticed most people have younger birds. I have a about a 35 year old bird.
  9. Also, most cog owners probably don't notice it because their Greys have feathers too. Mine is a baldy also...I can't stand that...
  10. my bird gets that bulge in his/her neck too. I think its the food. I only notice when its done eating a lot of food. Don't they regurgitate?
  11. Well I noticed today when Topal was showing off his wing span that it is the long lower feathers that are missing on one side. Also, I remember a few long feathers being found at my house right after he moved in. So, I am thinking he may have just plucked the oneside, causing the unevenness.
  12. That is such a sad story, but thank you for sharing it. I just acquired an older African Grey that was my husbands families bird. I would have never known the risk of Teflon fumes had I not seen your posting. So thank you again.
  13. Thank You all, you guys seem to be such nice folks on this forum. I will continue to do some research. I will be calling the avian vet in my area also to see about transporting him for a visit.
  14. :unsure: Hi, I am a new caretaker to an older african grey. I am trying to improve his quality of life. Topal is a very talkative bird. He is a quite a joy to have around. I have had him for about a month now. Prior to living with me, he was my mother in laws bird. He has had a lot of changes go on in his life the last five years or so. My in laws used to have his wings clipped, and I notice his wings seem to be longer on one side. Is this normal? Also, I wonder if I should spray him with warm water to bathe him. I noticed he would jump in his water dish, but since upgrading his cage to a much larger one he hasn't been bathing. He is a biter, he lets me pet him, but sometimes he tries to bite me. Yesterday I let him come out the cage he stood on the door which was being held by a perch. He then proceeded to fly to the floor. He walked around the house for about an hour or so. He seemed to be really enjoying himself. However, we had a horrible time getting him back in. I want him to have freedom, but I want to be in control. He walked around liked he owned the place. He didn't even care about the dogs he walked right up to them. My dogs are more afraid of him than he is of them. I think my Lab remembers being bit by him 10 years ago when she was a young dog. Well if anyone can lend some advice, please do. I appreciate it.
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