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Everything posted by Doodle

  1. It's not like a growl, it's more like a high pitched nasally "Ew" or "ugh". It almost sound like he's lifting something really heavy. This happens every time I hold him and he only does this with me.
  2. Hello everyone, I have a 2 year old Congo named Shaggy. Lately when I hold him he shakes, puffs up his feathers, pinpoints, and make a strange noise that I really can't explain, maybe I can get it on video though. I was just wondering if this is a normal thing for a Grey to do or if he's overstimulated or something else. Thank you for your help and if this is in the wrong place I'm sorry.
  3. The breeder I got him from had a bit of bad luck and some major health issues and had to be hospitalized so I had to take him home earlier than expected. But everything worked out great and I have a happy, healthy, and hyper Grey.
  4. Oh yes he is, he's getting more nippy and grumpy. Hopefully though he'll get over this soon.
  5. I've had Shaggy since the day he hatched. I remember when he was just a little pink squawking "chicken nugget" I've hand fed him and I can proudly say that he's my best friend. He does talk, but getting a Grey to talk when you want them too is a feat in itself :laugh: his favorite phrase right now is "I'll give you a war you won't believe." followed with a laugh. I'm still trying to figure out where he learned that one.
  6. Hello everyone, I just stumbled across your community and decided to join. I'm 19 and have a Congo African Grey Named Shaggy, but I call him "Doodle Bird" hence the username. I also live with a Blue and Gold Macaw named Scooby. Shaggy just turned 2 in January, and Scooby will be 4 this December. I'll try and get pictures of them up soon. Thank you all for reading this and for having such a great community!
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