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Everything posted by Kipsie

  1. I've already dug a deep hole I cant get myself out of with my grades, but I see what your saying. I should show them how responsible I am. A lady named Gina just emailed me to send her a resume. She manages a flower shop. It's no petstore, but it's almost as nice. The only problem is that I have no idea how to write a resume, but i'll figure it out. I'll have my baby grey in no time! I think i'll let the rescued bird go. Thank-you guys so much!
  2. We can say our age on here? On the guinea-pig forums we cant... Well, i'm 17 and am in 11th grade. I was looking for a job in a petstore (Petland), but the only pet birds they have are a red-breasted cockatoo ($1800, I'm considering this) and a sun conure (I didn't bother to ask the price). About waiting until I graduate... Uhhh... I'll consider it.
  3. I asked if it's friendly and they said they didn't know. Would they really have an ill bird up for adoption? On Petfinder, the bird wasn't flagged as 'special needs' or anything... They told me everything they knew, which was only "All we know, ma'am, is that the bird is an adult and he's an african grey". I'll look into a breeder. Maybe that's best. Maybe I can even try getting more information out of them, like, "Does he have all of his feathers?".
  4. I think i've found the perfect grey in Largo, Florida, but the adoption fee is 500. That's actually a GREAT price, but since i'm young and i'm still under my parent's roof, i'll have to wait until I get a job who hires young people. My parents aren't going to pay for it unless I make valedictorian. :blink: That's never gonna happen. I'm afraid that the bird will be gone by the time I get a job! I called the adoption agency and got as much info on the bird as possible, praying that it would still be there by the time I get a job and save the money. Anyway, I've tried Craigslist, Petfinder, The Palm Beach Post, just about everywhere! My dad even has a friend who has parrots (he's even offered me a few wacky pets), but for some reason, my dad refuses to call him. You see, the man is my dad's customer, and unless he stops by to get his car fixed, he's not calling him. I need some new ideas incase that african grey is gone by the time I save the money. Am I repeating myself? :unsure: With love, Kipsie PS, I'm in West Palm Beach, Florida, USA.<br><br>Post edited by: Kipsie, at: 2009/03/29 01:50
  5. Okay, i'll get a cage first. I can't believe I never thought of that. I'm getting a job soon, and my parents won't help me with money issues, so it'll be a while before I can afford a cage. I'm planning on adopting a grey instead of buying one. I'll update you guys when I get my beautiful bird!
  6. Okay, thanks. So can a grey go cageless? I've seen cageless animal shelters...
  7. Would it be better if the bird were to go cageless and we just have a stand? It could roam around the house... Well, come to think of it, that may not be a good idea... Sorry if i'm asking too many 'dumb' questions...
  8. Okay, thanks guys! I'm going to have to wait so I can save enough money to buy a proper cage. Are there any good online stores that sell them?
  9. I'm worried about the noise level. I'm old enough to get a job to care for one, but we have neighbors living closeby. Is the noise that they make completely unbearable? On a scale of 1-10, how bad is it? Are all AG's very noisy? Sqwaking in the morning is fine, but how are they at night? Thank-you. -Kipsie PS ... And the cage i'd use for the AG If I choose to get one is where my guinea-pigs live. I'll make the pigs another cage. It's 4 feet tall, 6 feet long, and 2 feet wide. Actually, I think it's a kennel (my dad bought it for 20 bucks! The 2nd level can be taken down. :laugh: ). Is the cage alright? <br><br>Post edited by: Kipsie, at: 2009/03/17 06:31
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