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  1. hello there friends i was looking on the net and found a website called bird tricks.com and i got a free down load of how to stop an aggressive bitting squalking bird from behaving badly he has for sale a tutorial dvd lit and video on teaching your parrot how to behave so that all members of the family can have a friendly relationship with the bird and i was wondering if anybody has used chets system before i buy it and if it realy works many thanks and hopeing to hear from you guys and gals:woohoo:
  2. hi guys well after loads of persaverance and friend new ceasers dad and friends and expert in currys electrical store i now will attempt yet again another pic of joey need to get loads more i also am in progress of editing film footage of joeys extensive vocab for youtube will keep ya posted on how i get on and try and put link in message on board when it happens well here ya all go here is pic of my grey man eater joey dunlop
  3. funnily enough i was looking at your photo ie the one of you yesterday thanks for advise well to be honest feel a bit of a plonker have just realised the camera does it anyway pick the size and it will do the rest just point and shoot silly me but thanks to all who have help point me in the right direction look out for more pics thanks again ian and joey d;)
  4. well this is the interesting bit i can have him on my hand for how ever long i want but when i go to fuss him or touch him he just sees me as a protein treat tickle=bite (lol) if wife does it head down loads of fuss no probs all i want to do is be his friend with out being malled (lol) :blush:
  5. hi caroline no im from sunny rhyl on north wales coast i just fetched joey from liverpool after being messed about with another bird to find that the bird i now have belonged to the plonker that messed me about i payed 600 for joey and no cage he was a steal as he does all sorts and holds back on nothing only me i just feel that i have done something wrong with him i get him out as much as i can but it does not seem to be enough i will try the nuts you have mentiond and try him i just need something that he he will love so i can use as a treat for good behaviour i hope im doing this right many thanks ian
  6. hi can anybody tell me how you get a 1000kb photo im a litle lost with digi camara???
  7. hi we have had joey for say six months he loves my wife but seems to want to eat me i can step him up no probs on command he does all sorts of tricks talks loads vocab endless learnt some names from house hold kieley letter perfect jack our dog mish mish i got him from liverpool and he has given us hours of fun i have to wait for the kids to be in bed before i can let him out cos if he takes chunks from my hand what will he do to the kids i let him chew me up cos i was told not to pull away but after the last frnzied attack i fear he will do some serious damage i mean my whole hand was covered in blood and i now have scars from his last attack but i wont let him get the better of me i just need to distract him so i can positivly reinforce his good behaviour but have found no food he would walk to the ends of the earth for hmmmm puzzled????
  8. thanks so very much will get kiel to try him out many thanks ian
  9. hi there can i ask what kind of yougert you were using kieley my wife wants to teach joey dunlop to do the hand shake thing please share your yougert tip many thanks ian
  10. hi there i have just become a member i have a little but very painful problem i need help with my bird seems to use me for his meat intake of his diet can any body suggest anything????running out of plasters he he
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