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  1. thank you everyone, yes louie is my baby, and he will never ever need for anything, and he knows that, and within the next couple of months we will be adopting another cag from the rescue where louie came from, another bird that has had a rough life, but he to will get a second chance at a life filled with only positive and good things, as far as pics i will get some posted soon as well as a video of my little tax accountant B)
  2. hello everyone, this is my first post, but i wanted to give louie a proper intro, we adopted louie back in April of 2008, he is between 5 and 7 yrs old, and quite frankly up until he went into rescue his life was pretty much terrible, we knew going in that louie had been abused, and neglected from his first families, and when we took him to our vet there where signs of him having had broken bones that had healed on there own, when louie was in the rescue he also bit the woman that ran the rescue so bad she needed 4 or 5 stitches in her lip, to say the least he trusted noone,well the day we went to pick him up i was shocked at how badly he had plucked himself both on his back and his stomach areas, but after a few minutes there i must have showed him enough that he climbed onto my hand with no problem,the rescuer was absolutely amazed at how louie took right to me, the last year with him has had its ups and downs but i would say more ups, he doesnt pluck anymore, he sings and dances, and his very favorite thing is to follow dad wherever i go, my wife and i run a chinchilla rescue, and we have many many animals and fids in our care, and louie has made friends with 4 of our chinchillas, every day he visits them hanging on there cage and talking to them, and he gets the biggest delite out of giving them there nightly treats, he is out of his cage at between 8 and 9 am and goes to bed at around 11pm at night, but if it is just me in the living room at night he will stay up a bit later spending time with me, i have taught him to shake hands, play dead bird, and his favorite, i place all my change in my pocket on the coffee table, and i say louie bank your money, and he will take the coins one at a time and put them in his piggy bank. we have a few other fids but louie has sort of a bond with our U-2 him and her love chattering back and forth and they also have learned words from each other the most recent break through with louie just happened last friday night, he was sitting on my lap as he does every night and i was rubbing his neck, well he has started molting, and most times if i touched a feather in sheeth he would quickly grab my finger to let me know hey dont touch that, but the other night as i was rubbing his neck he had his beak against my leg and he was mouthing my leg, well i noticed a new sheeth that was all wrapped up in his down so i gently tried releasing it. when i finally got it loose i tried preening him as i do our toos except this time he coo'd softly and pushed his head towards my hand, well i rolled the sheethed feather in my fingers until it cracked and the sheeth came off in my fingers, when i took my hand away he investigated what i had and then put his head back down as if to say do more dad do more, well for the last few nights he has climbed onto my leg and put his head down and i have helped him to get those pesky head and neck feathers he couldnt reach,, all in all louie has come some far in a years time, his trust issues are becoming a thing of the past, and he is blossoming into a true grey, he still doesnt like woman but my wife and i feel that is a small price as far as he is concerned,
  3. hello everyone, i just wanted to stop in and say hello and also to intro my very special guy, LOUIE he is a roughly 5 to 7 yr old cag, and i adopted him back in april of 2008,this is the third cag i have been owned by,,
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