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Everything posted by birdlover111
THank you all for all of your advice and help. I wanted to let you guys know that rico went to a great home about a week ago not. This lady is the same age as me...31. She is in school and is training to become a vet tech. She had always wanted a african grey. SO I figured I made the right decision. It is hard some days to not see rico there in the living room. But I know that he is with someone that has the time to devote to him. I just hope that rico and his new mom bond well and forever! Thanks again for all the advice. Jeannine
THANK YOU JungleDreamz. My saint bernard has been with us for 6 years now. He is my baby. I do love rico and that is why I am rehoming him. I wish someone on here lived closer and wanted a grey like rico. He would be much better if he was able to be out alot more. I have not made up my mind about these people yet. I amnot sure what to do. No one else is really interested in him.
Well most people are not going to agree with mebut after having my grey for about 6 months he started screaming. Nothing changed with him or his surrounding. Ithink some of them just like to scream. Not all greys are quiet birds. Its just the way they are. i can sympathize with you on this though. My bird even screams when he is out on his playstand. So sometimes there is just no plesing them. Saddly i have to rehome him due to this screaming because my ears cant take it. I wish you luck with your grey. I have realized with mine that its more of a squak than a scream if there is even a difference in the two. he does not do this bcause he is unhappy. in fact just the opposite. Once he is rehomed which we are in that process we are going to stick to dogs. To me, dogs are MUCH MUCH easier to please.Maybe its because i have had inside dogs all my life and they are my children. We have a saint bernard that is our baby. he sleeps with us at night and is at my side whenever I am home. Anyways, I went off onto a completly different subject, sorry about that. Your grey maybe just loud like rico. Hope your ears are ready for it.
Well I understand the having to break it up into payments. I did this with my breeder. Just because it takes a person a little bit to get the money together does not mean they cant afford to take care of him. I made most of his toys and fed him fresh veggies and fruits plus seed and pellet daily. As far as screening them goes i can only ask the questions and hope that they are telling the truth. Once rico is paid for and with them I cant do anymore. Ithinkthey really want himand are willing to do whatis necessary. I am just not willing to lock up my dog for most of the dayto let rico be free. other than that i am a good home for him.
It might be easier if rico liked my husband as well. He might get more time out of his cage then. but rico only likes me. The people that are interested in him told me that the husband had a grey years ago but had t get rid of it due to his brothers allergy. they say they are ready for the commitment. I just really wish that they could take him sooner. Rico is stuck with us till July1st. I jut hope they bond well with him and he is happy. We are suppose to meet them onthe 31stof this month so they can meet rico and give us the first half of the money. Were also having them sign a contract and they are not allowed to take rico till the balance is paid in full. I am giving them his cage and toys and all as well so rico canat least be in his same cage surroundings
I must say that by far this is the best forum out there. I feel like I can open up here and not be condemed for it. I really do love rico but he would be better off with someone whom can give him undivided attention. I just hope that this time period goes by very quickly. Again thank you and hats off to all of you for making me feel just a little better about my decision.
Thank you so much for the kind words. It is very nice of you to be so understanding.
Yes we hope it happens quickly so he can bond with his new owner. The longer he stays here with me the harder it is to imagine him not being here. I know this sounds weird coming from me but it really upsets me since this is something that i really wanted. So far the soonest he will leave is the beggining of July. Thats a month and a half away from now and I know in that long period of time I am going to go round for round with this decision. I think the best thing for rico is to go to this other home but my heart is breaking. Is there any comfort that anyone is able to give me so I know i am doing the right thing. Am I doing the right thing?????????? This is terrible.
I think the whole issue with rico is that he is in his cage too much. Saddly sincehe does not get along with our saint bernard he can not come out all day. The 1 to 2 hours a day is the most he can be out. I have tried talking to him from the kitchen and he still screams. I have a few people interested in him that are willing to pay what i want for him. I have spent way too much money on him to just give him to a rescue. Until he goes to his new home i have moved him into his own bedroom to help with my sanity and ear drums. ALthough it is still ver loud. I appreciate all the help you all have sent me or at least tried to send me. Rico has taught me one very important thing.....I am a dog person. My dog is my baby, he goes everywhere with me and sleeps in the same room with me. He is a very gently soul. I wish rico luck in his future home.
Well now I feel like I am being beat up about this. It is NOT my fauly that rico is not happy here. He yells no matter what I do. I cant move his cage elsewhere unless I put him in his own bedroom. WHich i have been told was a bad thing to. I think anyone whom had a bird that screamed no matter what you do would get a bad taste in their mouth. I am only human. I think it would be best to get him into another home. But I will not and can not afford to give him away. I paid 1000.00 just for him, thats not including his cage and everything else I have bought for him. Sounds like I have gotten the unlucky straw with rico since no one elses greys on here give any trouble. To the people whom have just got their greys and are very pleased with them....I was pleased with rico at first too. They are very sweet and calm till they get comfortable with you and your household. Then if you whole life does not revolve around them (which i dont know how anyones life could revolve around a bird)they change and let me tell you....its not a good change. When friends and family stop coming over because your bird is screaming for no reason even though he is out of his cage you know you have a problem on your hands. Evidentally I am not cut out to have a animal that is going to rule my life. I wish all the luck in the world to those whom are.
Well it seems from what i am reading in your thread that rico is not getting out of his cage enough for him. Saddly i cant give him anymore time out of his cage than he already gets. And if this is not enough time and he continues to scream i will only have two choices. One being rehome him. two being to put him outside during the day and let him scream out there. There is not much else that i can do. I did a lot of research before buying him but I will honestly say that even after reading the book and talking with people and reading up on them online that NONE of that prepares you for a african grey.
Were really not sure what were going to do. Saddly we were really misled before buying him. I am not sure that he is going to fit into our lifestyle. I have him out of his cage for between 1 to 2 hours a day, all depending on what I have going on. I have been told that 1 to 2 hours daily should be more than enough for him to be happy. I keep a variety of toys in his cage and switch them out from time to time. I have done everything that I canthink of to make him happy. We have kept the ad up just incase someone is interested and is able to pay what we would be asking for him if we decide to sell him.
Like I said to before there have been no changes in the house at all. We have had him since right before christmas. I have him out of his cage as much as i can. But rico and my saint bernard dont get along so rico cant stay out all day like i think he wants to. I have been told that it is not good to let them out all day anyways. He screams just to scream I think. my family wont even come over anymore because of the ear piercing screaming and squaking. WHomever says that greys are quiet is so so so wrong....
No there have not been any changes. And he is not alone either. I am always in the living room and thats where he is. He especially will scream everytime I get up to go to the kitchen or bathroom or to go get the mail. I am at my witts end here. I cant take the screaming and loud screaching....its ear piercing
Please help. In the past few weeks my grey has started a loud screaming or squaking not sure what you would call it. It is so loud that it hurts my ears badly. I was told greys were quiet except for sun up and sun down. Orcourse I am learing that most of what i have been told is not true. Is this a normal grey behavior
Well between working full time and having to take care of my husband in the evening i just dont have the time. Why would i put another bird in it when i dont have time for this one? That makes no sense. For another hundred i will include the cage.
We are in birmingham alabama. We would think about including the cage.
We are in Birmingham Alabama
I have to go back to work and am no longer able to keep my grey. I am looking to get at least 600.00 for him. If anyone is interested please email me at
I have been taken a hand full out of the freezer and putting them in a bowl or hot water to defrost them. Once they are defrosted i put them in ricos veggie bowl and give it to him. He gets veggies in the am and the pm. I leave seed or pellet in his cage all day and night.
Thank you for the advice. I am trying to do the right things for Rico but sometimes I feel like I dont have a clue as to his needs.
Are frozen veggies good enough for the greys? I tried the fresh stuff and 99% of it ends up on the cage floor. It apears that he eats more of the frozen stuff. HELP!!!!!
Thank you for the advice. Rico will be 6 months old on the 23rd of March. I love him dearly. I am glad to know that maybe in time he will learn that others are ok. At first he would not even take food from my husband. Now most of the time he will take peanuts or whatever type of treat my husband is offering. Now I just have to work on the relationship my mother and father have with him. They want so badly to be able to pet him. I will keep having my mom offer treats to him. At the present he will not take them from her. Jeannine and Rico
Are all greys one person birds????????????