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  1. Just to let you all know Popeye as now found a new home and the people where really nice so it makes me feel a little better but still gutted thanks to everyone on here for all the advice.
  2. Thanks very much for the kind words and believe me if there is anyway we could keep him we would but finacially it is impossible for either of us to cut our hours and we are thinking of the birds welfare.
  3. We are selling are african grey, 13 months old uk bread, hand reared and with hatching certificate comes with a Hati cage,travel cage,extra perches,box full of toys,food,vitimins,books,table top stand. Talking and whistling and favours women rather than men brilliant temprement and full of charecter. All in all the total cost to me is around £1200 i am willing to let go to a good home someone who as time to spend as we dont due to added work load and this is are reason for sale i will accept half of what we paid which is £600 any pics info please do not hesitate to contact me and i will help all i can.
  4. i am trying to upload more pics but it wont let mje i have resized them can anyone help please13:44<br><br>Post edited by: alpeters, at: 2009/05/04 13:47
  5. Thanks to all for the help and advice and of course the support great crowd<br><br>Post edited by: alpeters, at: 2009/05/04 13:30
  6. As most of you know i have just got my first baby grey (Popeye) and he as really sttled in well its like having a new born child i even get up min the middle of the night to check on him. Anyway i am coping with most things thanks to this fantastic forum and the people on it i cant thank you all enlough. I am really confused on the correct method of bathing you grey i have been misting him with a garden sprayer once a week but i am unsure on how much to spray him i have been dpoing it from the top of the cage so it falls naturally like rainfall is this correct as i have said he doesnt mind being sprayed abd i dont want to distress him so would like to keep this method. I know there are post on this forum but theres so many different ways people do this so if its ok i would like to ask a few questions 1 how many time do i spray my grey per week 2 is it best to do it in morning or night 3 is there anything i can add to water that will be a benifit to grey. 4 i use luke warm water is this correct ?. Many thanks in advance for replies. <br><br>Post edited by: alpeters, at: 2009/05/04 13:31
  7. I am as a few of you know expecting my first grey in a few weeks time and i have purchased 3 or 4 books and read this superb forum to try and understand and learn about african greys i was wondering if there any dvds available to buy that covers training, talking, health care, diet etc etc if anyone could send me a link or recommend i would be very gratefull many thanks in advance.:woohoo:
  8. hi everyone heres another update of my baby counting the days for when Popeye arrives and doing plenty of research and reading to get as much information as i can. Post edited by: alpeters, at: 2009/03/29 13:44<br><br>Post edited by: alpeters, at: 2009/03/29 14:54
  9. alpeters


    :blink: I have been told about this and decided to consult a few people and i have been told that by microwaving a nut for 8 to 10 seconds it completly cures the nut and takes any badness out i dont know if any of this is correct but would be interested to here other peoples points of view
  10. Hi Everyone and many thanks for the welcome looking forward to getting to contributing to this great forum what a great bunch of people you all are. Anyways i'll try to answer a few questions i have not seen the grey but have been in regular contact with the breeder and she comes very highly recommended she keeps me regulary updated with progress and sends me pictures weekly very friendly and knowledgeable lady i am going to try and get to se the grey this weekend unfortunatly its a 3 hour drive for me. This is my first grey we are going to call the grey Popeye and are counting the days for the arrival we are both taking 2 weeks holiday to settle the grey. in to its new home. Thanks for all the offers of help and advice really gratefull anyways thanks again for the welcome. Picture Attached. <br><br>Post edited by: alpeters, at: 2009/03/12 21:39
  11. Just wanted to say hi to everyone and congratulate the people hwo run this site i am expecting my grey to arrive in a few weeks and have found this site very very helpfull.
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