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  1. HI, My Grey who I have had for 15 and a half years still will scratch on the floor if she gets to it. My husband recently read that when greys do this that most people think it has to do with breeding but it is forging. In there natural habitat they do this on the ground looking for food or whatever they can find. So don't worry its a natural instinct.
  2. Here's a couple of pics of Helen & Spaggs! I hope these post... :cheer:<br><br>Post edited by: Birddesss, at: 2009/03/18 01:51
  3. Hi, I have had my AG for 15 years now, and I've always boarded her going away on vacations. Only a small number of times i took her with me and only twice she flew with me. I have no one to trust to come in and watch my birds. What's great about boarding them with an avian vet is they get attention and they get to be around other birds for that time, and who knows what new noises they pick up. My DYH magna picked up "open the door". Leaving them at home, means no one is around except the time someone comes in to tend to them, that means no human contact. If you have to do that I suggest timers for some lights and a radio, and just set it to come on at a certin time and turn off before they fall asleep. Hope that helps a little. Birddesss
  4. HI, I have to say my Grey is potty trained. She's 15 years old now and she does tell when she has to go poopoo. She actually tells me go poopoo. It's really cute. So everytime you go to let your bird out of it's cage tell your bird to go poopoo. Try to wait it out till your bird goes, if your bird doesn't go it could be because they they may have just gone before you let them out. So when you have your bird out and about, take your bird over to the perch or cage where you want them to go about every 15 to 45 minutes is the average. I'm trying to teach my DYH magna, but it hasn't been as easy. It's learning to watch there body language and how often they go. My bird now will tell me when she wants out of her cage by saying go poopoo. Hope this helps, just be patient it takes time for them to learn... Birddesss
  5. HI Judy, My grey's name is Helen and my DYH's name is Spaggs (Spagganucci). Birddesss<br><br>Post edited by: Birddesss, at: 2009/03/03 02:50
  6. Hi, Just joined, I just love this forum. My husband and I have 2 birds. I've owned my AG Congo since she was 3 months old and now she is 15 years old. She's truly my little teenager. My husband and I purchased a DYH July of last year. He was just under 3 months old now 10 months old. What a pleasure he's turned out to be and what a talker..... My husband will have to come on and post about his experiences with our new DYH magna. He has learned to handle him with having no previous bird experience. It all changed for him after visting my mom and step dad and meeting there birds for the first time. They have 3 birds (Scarlet Macaw, Blue & Gold Macaw & Maloccan Cockatoo) I will be back soon and post some pics of our birdies. =)
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