Hi.. I don't have a grey just yet. Trying to do lots of research into one before I settle for getting one.
Can anyone list some pros and cons for me.
Even if it's not a norm pro or con for the grey in general I'd like to hear them all.
Thanks sooo much for all of your help!!! I'm going to tell Ty today when he gets home from school!! he's going to be soooo happy that his birdie friend will be able to ride on his shoulders once again....
Ty is 15 yrs old and loves Bo. He was upset when he was told that he couldn't allow him on his shoulder. Yes Bo can fly and his wings seems to grow back pretty quickly after being cut at the bird farm.
My stepson got his cocktial about a month ago. bo (the bird) and Ty (my stepson) are best of buds. We got Bo from a bird farm and go in to get his wings done every other week( the bird farm does it for free). now Ty loves to have Bo sitting on his shoulder and Bo seems to love it up there too. the owner of the bird farm says that Bo cant ever go on Tys shoulder because than he will think he's an equal and start to be bossy?? is this true??? anyways the reason why I dont really believe the bird farm owner is because you will ask her something she will say one thing and then next week if you ask her the same thing she says something differnt.
please help!!!
my stepson truly loves his birdy and wants to bond alot with him. Bo is 15 weeks old!
Hi everyone!!
my name is Dawn. I dont have an african grey yet but I want one sooooo badly. I found this site on youtube and that I'd check it out.
I haven't gotten my african grey yet because I dont feel I have enough information to be a good grey owner yet lol. From time to time i might actually ask questions but for now I think I'll just hang around and read alot.