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Everything posted by kayleetyler2

  1. Hello Everyone, It's been a while since I have been on. And I wanted to update how Abbie is doing. She still hasn't said anything. But, we love her so much. She is eating really good but she still looks really small compared to most Greys. I have taught her to dance, and she does it quite well. We are trying new things and treat her when she does them. I called her previous owner last week. It's amazing how his story of Abbie has changed. He previously told me that he had Abbie for about 6 months and bought her from a friend. So I was at the understanding that Abbie had been a loving pet prior to him. Well I was wrong!! Abbie was owned by an older couple who could no longer care for her so she sold him. Unaware that the gentlemen she sold him to was not wanting her as a pet but a baby factory. Then he sold her to the man we bought her from. He said he does know that she talked with her first owners. But that after that they are unsure due to using her to breed the 2nd owner had nothing to do with her and him being the 3rd owner too had nothing to do with her. So I would say for at least 1 year she was put to the side. And he says he can't figure out why none of his parrots won't have babies. Well one thing she was loved very much and then thrown to the curb. I wouldn't do anything either. Since she has been with me she whistles as if whistling for the dogs, she lets me scratch her head and massage her neck, we go for walks, she whines if she isn't getting the attention she feels she needs, she makes a microwave beep sound, dances, and we play little games with a glass of water, she loves to hit it and listen to the sound it makes. I talk to a lady close by that has 40 parrots and she is not a breeder and she loves them all. And she has raised them for 30 years and she says that she feels good that Abbie will start talking eventually. She feels considering what she has been through that we have accomplished a lot with her. I couldn't give her up for anything. We did get her because we wanted a talking parrot. But I don't care is she ever talks ( hope so ) but I just love her for her. She is happy probably for the first time in a while and that makes me happy. What can I say I LOVE MY ABBIE AND SHE LOVES ME!! And I wouldn't trade that for anything not even for a talking parrot. Sorry so long. Thanks for reading!! :silly: Melissa :kiss:
  2. Thank you. I will enjoy her no matter what. I love to just watch her. Abbey and I are bonding really well I think. And like I said even if she doesn't talk I will still live her. She does mumble stuff. When I have her on the bed and we are playing and then I stopped she was mumbling and it sounded like a whistle it was really cute. She is just wonderful and I have wanted one for a long time and I am really happy with her and I know it will only get better. Thanks for the advice.
  3. I know we have only had her for a short time. My husband is wanting to know if we can still teach her to talk. The previous owner said she talks but he didn't mess with her for 6 months or so. And we were just curious if she hasn't ever talked can she still be taught. Even if she doesn't talk it will make no difference. We will still love her and want her. But it would be a little nice is all. Thank You. <br><br>Post edited by: kayleetyler2, at: 2009/02/17 01:44
  4. The only bird/parrot I have had is a Green Cheek Conure and a parakeet. We have been doing some research on an African Grey. I feel like even though I did all this research it wasn't enough and that there is so much more. We seen that this gentleman was selling a 6 year old African Grey and we called him just to find out a little more. Because I was wanting a baby. After talking to him and hearing that he had gotten her from a friend and she was a pet. He got her 6 months ago and wanted to use her for breeding and rarely had much to do with her for breeding purposes. His male Grey died and he decided he didn't want to buy another male and his other two Grey's were bonded he put her up for sale. So we wanted to give her a home so that she could be a pet again. I know that we don't know a lot about them but we are eager to learn because just the 6 hour trip home I fell in love with her and want her to be the happiest she can be. And I felt like I was saving her, due to the fact that she must have felt lonely going from being a pet to being a breeder. Well that's the rest of my story. Melissa
  5. Thank you very much for your help. Yes I am learning and I am on here all the time googling and just searching for as much info as I can find about my new lil' girl.
  6. We just brought Abbie home. She is 6 yrs. old and she has spent one night with us and I am worried about her. She is shaking which at first I figured it was nerves from the travel but she had stopped. But today she is shivering and i'm worried she might be sick or something or it could just be me. She was sitting on my lap and I was scratching her head and of course she loved it but when I stopped she was making a noise almost like whining. And she also keeps lifting up her left claw like its bothering her when she is in her cage. She makes this sound that if my kids did I would think they were wheezing or something to that effect. But I am new and this could be normal and I am just paranoid. Please help. Thank You, Melissa
  7. My family and I just brought home our African Grey. Her name is Abbie and she is almost 6 yrs. old. She is very sweet and we are waiting for her to get adjusted to her new home and so far so good even though it has only been a little over a day. She hasn't spoken any and we were told she does but maybe she is having to adjust. Every now and then we think we hear her mumbling and whistling under her breath. But even if she doesn't speak a word won't make a difference we will love her no matter what.
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