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  1. I'm sorry to hear a cat threw a wrench in your plans! I go to school in Albany, but was considering transferring to Skidmore which is a much cleaner area (air quality wise) so we'll see how that goes. I think you made the right decision. Best, El
  2. Sophie has a great deal of toys (not all in her cage at once) and she has no interest in any of them, with the exception of a stuffed bird (dog toy) from old navy that she has deemed her nemesis in all things. She does, however, love paper towel rolls, newspaper, and origami. Unfortunately, she doesn't really play with these things when she's alone in her cage. I do have to go to work or school during the day, and I'm worried that she'll get bored. It's not that she's afraid of her toys, she's just not interested. Thoughts?
  3. Gah! I don't really have any advice for you but I can definitely relate. I'm in college now and at the moment I'm living at home, but it's an hour commute to my campus... by bus...that leaves at 6 AM. ANYWHO. I was considering getting an apartment, but there are so many things I wouldn't even know how to begin to deal with--landlords, roommates, noise issues, etc etc... Let me know how it goes!
  4. Upon bringing Sophie home, she bonded to me immediately which was great because she is my bird, it will be me she is living with for the rest of her life (god willing) I am in college now and living with my parents and sister, but it won't always be this way. ANYWAY :pinch: . At first, she would let people touch her and pet her and come near her and feed her. After a few weeks that changed to letting people do these things if I were holding her, and is now NO TOUCHY for anyone that isn't me. I am not quite sure when the transition took place but it did. After much coaxing and patience, she will let my mother pet her, but only if she is being held by me. I am taking this as a positive step in the right direction. I don't suppose anyone has any advice?
  5. Hello! I am a new member from Saratoga with one Congo, Sophie, who also says hi, largely by coincidence. I think she just wants food :laugh:
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