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Everything posted by CountCaffeine

  1. Hello All, My name is Brad and I will soon be joining your ranks as a proud African Grey owner. Soon in my terms is within the next few months. I personally like to have all my ducks in a row before I do anything, that way I am prepared for anything. So I hope you do not mind but I would like to ask a few questions here. I apologize if this is not the proper area for questions. I have read countless articles on the proper care of an African Grey and I want to clear a few things up. First off; Diet. Now I have read many articles talking about calcium but there seems to been conflicting ideas on how to provide adequate calcium for your bird. The biggest one I have found is grit, or groud up egg shells and what not. Some articles say it is a good idea other say it is bad for the bird. Please tell me how you give your bird calcium. Second, I have not found much on temperature restrictions for the African Grey. I would love to get the parrot harness and talk my little guy out on my morning walk with my dogs so he can see the sights and get a little added mental stimulation. Would this be a good or bad idea, and if it is a good idea when would it be too hot or too cold to take him along? Third, cage location. Now I do not intend to keep my bird in a cage while I am around during the day. I plan on putting my bird to bed when I go to work in the evenings, and when I wake up near sunrise I plan on having him out and about with me. About the only time I am not around during the day is when I take my mother to her chemotherapy. So when I am gone what is a good place for the cage? I had thought that I would put it near a big window so he could see what was going on outside but I have read that being near a window is a bad idea. Why is this? The window I had in mind is adequately shaded throughout the day and is not subject to major temperatrue changes. I plan on keeping the cage in one spot and not moving it and I want to make sure it is a good spot. Forth, I know with all animals the key to their happiness it adequate mental stimulation. While taking care of my mother I have a lot of time on my hands. I think I have the most well trained Jack Russel terrier alive. Now I know I will learn to read my birds body language but I was wondering, what would be too much? When my bird is ready for training would 20 minutes every three hours be good? Or should I try more or less? And finally, I am in Southern Oregon, can anyone recommend a good breeder? Thank you for your time and I appreciate any feedback I can get.<br><br>Post edited by: CountCaffeine, at: 2009/02/12 20:58
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