I have had Malaki for about 6 months now. He is a wonerful bird although he very mischevious and a huge tease. I live with my wife and four dogs which have all been in place since Malaki's first day in the home. Over the past six months or so my wife and I have spent equal time with Malaki and have really grown attacjed to him however Malaki had bonded with me more.
Here is the problem. When I am home Malaki can be really nasty to my wife. If she tries to handle him in any way whether he is with me, on his cage, on his playstand or anything he will bite her and bite her hard. He usually gives the obvious signs but sometimes he will just be sitting there and she reaches over, tells him to step up and he strikes. If I am not home, at work for example, he is fime with he. Malaki will sit with my wife, be affectionate, preen and so on just like he will do with me. But as soon as I walk in the house he turns on her.
The things I have read basically imply that avoidance is the best key to success here. If we know he is going to bite her when I am around then she should not handle him when I am around. I am hoping that this is not exactly the case and there is something I can do to improve the situation. Any help and advice would be appreciated.