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  1. Being a commercial fisherman in Alaska must be quite a challenge!!! It's certainly harder than being in the legal field.
  2. We are guessing that Socrates is about 4-5 years old. He adopted me in 2007. He does not have a band so hatch information is missing. The hyacinths are not tame, but they are tolerant of me and will occasionally take a nut from my hand (giant risk I know). They are absolutely majestic birds. I feel so fortunate to be able to be around them. That's part of the reason for the exhaustive search for palm nuts. Thank you also for the tips on adding pictures. I will work on that as soon as I get a chance. Thank you all again.
  3. I will include pictures as soon as I figure out how to do that!! Thanks for your responses.
  4. Socrates, my Grey, and I live with Guido, a Senegal, Pepper, a budgie, Rob & Laura, a breeding pair of Cockatiels, and Hy and Cynthia, hopefully a breeding pair of Hyacinth Macaws. I'm semi-retired and work part time at The African Grey, a bird store here in Denver. After being a paralegal for 15 years, I decided I much prefer birds to lawyers. Socrates, the Grey and Guido, the Senegal are with me all of the time. Socrates is an amazing bird. He really does know what I'm saying and will comment accordingly. I'm very happy to have found this forum. You have already been such a big help. Thank you so much!
  5. Toni - thank you for recommending Double-Dutch. I attempted ordering from them last Saturday and the e-mail I got back said he had closed his business in April 2008. I am definitely interested in sharing a 50lb order. I might even be foolish enough to offer to split the order up and send them on to others. You guys are great! Let me know what you think and thank you so much.
  6. Thank you Dave. I contacted robharvey.com/palm-nuts.html. Rob answered my e-mail and said they cannot ship to the US. Are there any other sources anyone knows of?
  7. Does anyone have a source for palm nuts? I tried ordering from a company in the UK but apparently they cannot ship to the US. I would sincerely appreciate any help! I have a pair of breeding Macaws and an African Grey who would love them. Thank you.
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