Sheba the 35yo Cockatoo is extremely affectionate. There is a nice stand with a big manzanita branch on top of the cage. Ideally the birds would climb up and exercise there wings and enjoy being out of the cage. Greyson does but not Sheba she immediately climbs down to the floor and searches, she would love to get into the closet, bathroom trash basket, the couch cushions and DESTROY i mean chew, chew, chew and more chewing. I can't hold her and pet her constantly so I place a towel on the ground and cover her up with it. She is content to stay the chewing and fluffing for an hour or more. Sometimes when I'm away I have a friend of mine come and stay with the birds. He loves Sheba, he will hold her and cuddle with her for hours. Many times falling asleep on the couch with her, unaware of her use of my cushions as her material for her new nest. Anyway she has recently started this horrible scream, with every almost breath getting louder and now has the Grey doing it also. So some say don't respond to it, which is almost impossible without leaving. Because of the attention she has been getting from their babysitter and him responding to the scream it's gotten worse. When I'm home the consistency and volume increases until I yell from my bedroom, "HUSH" "BE QUIET!" "SHUT UP" Whelp, now you guessed it, Greyson new words are "SHUT UP" with a little more appeal and less attitude then myself. Is there another solution to stopping this excited obsessive screach? A friend of mine who has birds suggested I squirt them with water, when I mist them they seem to enjoy it. Could she mean with a stream? Another source says don't respond with negativity or punishment they don't associate it with the behavior they just want you to respond. I have covered their cage but feel Greyson shouldn't have to be punished also, since Sheba is the instigator. Any advice is appreciated. Another thing she starts doing is when she is being held or picked up or give any type of affection she starts panting like a dog that is heated. With her mouth wide open. It seems when she is getting love she starts the panting. In the past I don't let her continue this I will stop petting her and tell her to calm down. I instructed the babysitter to do the same. He said she regurgitated on him the other day. I told him this although is an indication of affection, I don't want to encourage her to become more obsessive. Any advice?<br><br>Post edited by: kmz, at: 2009/03/19 21:19