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Everything posted by funnyfarm?

  1. Hi, I'd just like to comment on the description describing Blue-jays.I agree they can be agressive at the feeders,and do have a loud "caw" call....I had one in my living room for 12 yrs.She was not only beautiful,but also had quite a peronality,and she was quiet too,she only ever called in the spring,when she could hear other Jays outside.I rescued her,after she had flown into the dog kennel after "Kibbles",and got caught by the dogs,who ripped out her tail....Sunflower seeds and peanuts are their favorite.,besides dog food! K.C.
  2. oops,sorry I missed a page or two?and Butch is now Solomon!great name,and you could call him Solo for short,(I had a dog named Solo).Glad to see you have him home! K.C.
  3. Karma to you!for giving Butch a home.He just hadn't found that "special" person ,until now.It's amazing how grateful rescues are,and seeing as he already likes you, I'm sure he'll be just fine If you get a chance,check out "Riley" the Eclectus on U-tube,he's so smart!I'm sure Butch is too! K.C.
  4. Hi lovethatgrey, I 'would like to buy the book you suggested,and the one on Amazons too.Can you tell me where you bought it? and the price? The only address I could find,was his P.O.Box,but it said U.K. residents only.I live in Canada.Thanks alot K.C.
  5. Dusty1709 Karma to you for rescueing Gizmo:) An Amazon's an Amazon!You can't help but love them! K.C.
  6. Well Baxtersmom,you have described my "Lyric"to a T! He's only 10 months old but he's quite the little character already.He wakes us up singing "DooDa Doo Doot DaDoooooo,(he thinks he's a rooster!)He talks really well,he's forever saying "I'm a Parrot!"He's still learning "Old MacDonald",he's got the E I E I O,down pat,and he sings "Row Row Row,your Boat".He's a real clown,always hanging upside down,and beating up his bell,and he absolutely loves his boing!That's the only time I have trouble getting him to step up,he'd stay on his boing forever!lol He loves being sprayed,and opens his wings and says "Weeeeeee"!!,and does a little giggle he's so happy.He's a bit shy at first with strangers,(I live alone)but within a few minutes he's saying hello,and telling them he's a parrot!. Now my other amazon is abit different.her name was Abby, but I'm calling her Kazoo.She's suppose to be 4 yrs. old,she was owned by an 84 yr. old lady,who died.She has some emotional problems,but she's getting better everyday.I was told she sang Happy Birthday,but I've had her a month now and she hasn't said a word.She does let out a real Tarzan holler,when the dogs are barking,and other then that she's pretty quiet.She loves to be petted,but doesn't know to step up yet,but they are really fast learners.I taught Lyric to wave in about 5 minutes!They are incredibly smart.. And not to forget my grey,"DoeDoe",he's mimicking everything Lyric says,so we have twice the fun,with some beeps and whistles thrown in!lol.Never a dull moment at the "Funny Farm!":)
  7. When I was 9 yrs. old I found an English Budgie in the snow.His feet were frozen,and despite everything we tried,they eventually fell off.He had no legs,just two little stumps.We tied two perchs together so he could balance in the groove,and he got along just fine.He even learned to speak,and was pictured on the back of our dog in the local paper.We knew his age from his band,and he lived to be 14. If your bird has lived three yrs. with his leg the way it is now,I'm sure he'll do even better once it's removed,he's already use to only one,so that's all he's ever known. Karma to you for taking him and saving his life!
  8. Hi Char, I have two Yellow Crown Amazons,they aren't Yellow Heads,but are amazons!lol.After doing much research,I decided on the Yellow Crowns,mainly for their easy going temperments.I have all kinds of stories I'd love to share! I have a Grey as well K.C.
  9. Hi Annmarie, I also applaud you for doing your research before getting your bird.Like other members have said, Greys aren't for everyone,and it's better you found that out now then later.It's good that you have thought of the future too,as our lives are forever changing,and as we all know these birds can live for a very long time.It sounds like an Eclectus will be perfect for your family. There is an amazing one on u tube named "Riley",who has an amazing vocabulary,you should check him out! K.C.
  10. Welcome Farrah,congratulations on becoming a Doctor,I am a Canadian too,I live in Ontario,my brother lived in Quebec City for many yrs.,it's a beautiful city!That's great you've taught your birds to speak french too?You'll be able to teach Dr. Pepe to say "What's up Doc?" lol{Feel-good-0002006E} K.C.
  11. baxtersmom, just a thought concerning your conure,my partner has a 11 yr.old greencheek,who was a real screamer,as soon as he got her a friend,it all stopped!They still have their moments,after all they are conures!,but they spend the day preening,and really enjoy each other.At first he was leary in having 2 screaming,but it turned out to be the opposite!He also has 2 cags,and a tag,who add to the chorus! To comment on birds knowing what you're feeling, I agree totally.When I first got my Cag Shado,he also was a screamer.I'm sure that's why his former family gave him up.He had been left alone for most of his life. At first it was horrible,and even tho I was smiling on the outside,inside I was thinking,"O god,I can't take this!"It only made it worse. He semmed to do it most,when I left the room,so I decided to try what we do with dogs,suffering separation anxiety.And I would take a deep breath,think happy,peace ful thoughts,and leave for a few minutes,and gave him a treat,then I'd give him a toy,and as soon as he was sure I was coming right back,he slowly started to scream less and less.I'm sure what I was thinking,had alot to do with it!My being anxious and uptight only transfered to him!It works the same with horses too.They know when you're scared or nervous by your energy! K.C.
  12. Hi, I bought a DVD called"A Possitive Approach to Parrot Behavior"by Dr.Corina Lupu DVM,APVP,avian specialist.She has owned an avian & exotic hospital for 25 yrs.,and has taught avian medicine to veterinarians,vet. students,etc..she also lectures.... I found it to be very helpful,as she demonstates step by step.I also recommend the book "For the Love of Greys" by Bobbi Brinker,and "Companion Parrot Handbook" by Sally Blanchard, which was recommended by my vet.,is an excellent book.It takes you thru all stages of a Parrots life,deals with behavior problems too.It was a bit expensive,$80.00 ,but well worth it! K.C.
  13. My amazon"Lyric" call's me,He says "Mommy,where are you?" I say,"I'm right here!",then he says"Are You There?",I say 'Here I am" and he says"O.K." Now Shado,my grey,is calling me in Lyrics voice!! If he doesn't add a beep,I have to look twice to see who it was!!!!lol{Feel-good-0002006E}I love being called "mommy",lol K.C.
  14. Judy,you are lucky to have one of those "hubby"s. They sound great!Do you know where I could get one?? K.C.{Feel-good-0002006E}
  15. It does come in handy when the hydro goes out,for sure! It's carrying it in and splitting it,that I don't like. I guess I'm gettin old!lol It would be so nice to just turn up the dial!I was also really worried about the birds landing on the woostove,as Shado,my grey isn't clipped,but he's learned.And Lyric's grown up here and he knows as well.As for my new bird,I'm glad it's warming up now so I'll not have to have it roaring for much longer.We've had a hateful winter this year,I've burned 9 full bushcords of wood,which is alot!!! I sure am glad it's over! K.C.
  16. Sorry about that,Judy.I thought you did.Oh well,at least you have a woodstove?I wish I had a furnace!! K.C.
  17. Thanks Judy,I read that you live on a farm too!Only I bet your winters aren't anything like mine!Thanks for answering my other question about ratings .K.C.
  18. Hi everyone, i live in a farmhouse,and my only source of heat is a woodstove.The breeder I purchased my Amazon from assured me it was safe.It is an airtight stove, and it never gets "smokey" in here.Just wondering what your opinions are? Thanks alot, K.C.
  19. Hi Lyric Ilove your name,I have a young amazon named Lyric Thanks for your reply.I do intend to take Kazoo to the vets.,but I'm going to wait awhile,as she's been thru alot already.Also I live 1oo miles from the nearest certified avian vet,and my vet.,who does treat birds,has told me,she's never dealt with a bird doing this and would have to see her do it,...... She's in perfect feather,and seems really healthy, considering what she'd been fed,and she is eating pellets and trying some veges... I haven't tried taking her out yet,as she's not clipped, She does let me scratch her head,so that's good... I'm going slowly with her,letting her adjust to her new environment first,as I have 5 large dogs,and Lyric and Shado too..I think they are helping her adjust,and I think she's really happy to be in a big cage,The first nite she slept in the corner hanging on with one foot on each side,but now she's on the perchs...Today she's doing the stareing thing slower and less often,so that's really good too.Her name was Abby,but I've changed it to Kazoo,She's not been D.N.A,sexed,so she may be a he! She fans her tail and fluffs her crown when she does her Tarzan call,She looks better then Lyric!as he's 10 months old,and going thru his first molt and looking pretty scruffy!Thanks for your help, K.C. Oh,and Shado,is now talking in lyrics voice,along with his beeps and whistles.. I have to look twice to see who's talking!:laugh:
  20. Hi, Thanks for the warm welcome. I have a question about this behaviour my new Amazon is doing.I've looked in your Health Room,and can't seem to find anything like it. Is it possible for her to be permanently damaged? She has lived in a budgie cage her whole life.... She stares upwards with her head to the side,and paces Nothing I do will snap her out of it.It's like she's hypnotised.I took the long wooden perch out,to break the rythm of her paceing side to side,it's helped a bit but she does it as she climbs along the sides and roof. My Vet,has no idea.,until she sees her do it,and she's not a certified avian vet,but I'm videoing it to show her when I do take her in. The girl thought it meant she was happy?She had advertised it as being a real "sweetheart"who loved being patted,and sang Happy Birthday,and needed a loving home as her 84 yr old Aunt had died....Then she asked $800.00 for it.I couldn't leave her there.but didn't realize how bad it was until I got her home and into a big cage.I was just wondering if it's permanent,She makes these "uh" sounds as well as the occasional Tarzan Holler! that Shado and Lyric had never heard before! I know it's only been 9 days,so I'm hoping she'll get better in time.And I'll love her even if she is "mentally challenged",just wondering if anyones ever heard of a bird doing this?or any ideas of what I should or shouldn't do?Thanks alot, K.C. She is eating a bit of pellets which is good,as she had only been on staight sunflower seeds.
  21. Hi guys, I've been reading through your threads for the past 3 months,I've found them to be very informative as well as entertaining! I live on a farm in Ontario,Canada,with a variety of animals,most of them recues. I have 3 parrots,I Congo Grey named Shado,he's 2 and 2 Yellow Crown Amazons,Lyric,he's 10 months old, and Kazoo.she's 4 . I'll post pictures ,when I figure it out,as I'm new on the computer too... I must say this forum is almost as addictive as these birds!! You're like a good book you can't put down! HAPPY to be here! K.C.
  22. Hi Raphael, I'm new here too!Welcome.I agree with Tycos_mom on trimming nails.I tried to clip my Grey's nails last week.I've done it many times on dogs,and even tho I didn't take much off,it bled terribly.I put corn starch on it to stop the bleeding,but it bled for quite some time.Lesson learned! Now I know why my Vet.files them. I do have one of those "Pedi-Cure"files,but it didn't work very well on my dogs,it's very slow,and it smells terrible,as the nail gets ground down,and it's noisy too!Off to the Vets for Pedicures!!!
  23. I forgot to say Thankyou for you yor help,I'm new on the computer and my last message disappeared before I finished!I do have a 2 yr old Grey named Shado and a 10 moth old Y C.Amazon named Lyric,and a 12 yr old 1 eyed pidgeon,with a deformed wing named Bird...I have horses,dogs,and cats too.I know I should have maybe quarantined this bird,but I couldn't believe the size of her cage..I had driven 3 hrs to see her,and couldn't leave her,...I'll keep going threw all your posts,they have been really helpful,Thanks again K.C.
  24. That's what i was wondering,if it was better to take her off them gradually.I'll do as you suggest,I just know they aren't the best.for Amazons anyway.I'm really trying with the veges. and fruit..I know it will take time.I thought the pellets had more nutrients then fruits,so I was really trying to get those into her. I do plan on getting her to the vet, and maybe get her clipped,but becuz she's been threw so much,I think I'll wait a bit..This paceing back and forth and stareing upwards is what's really weird.It's like she is hypnotised.I took out the long perch,so she can't do the paceing,so she's doing it less,when climbing along her cage.I'm sure it's from being in such a small cage, and she had no toys,either.Horses that are in small stalls do a similar side to side pacecing called weaving.I've seen wolves do it too.
  25. Hi, I need some advice.I've rescued a 4 yr old Amazon.She is pretty messed up.She has lived in a budgie cage,and is paceing along her wood perch stareing up,almost as if hypnotised..She has been fed straight shelled sunflower seeds,with the odd carrot and orange.I 've tried giving her pellets,dry and mashed up and warm,but she's hardly eaten any.She has had some bananas and grapes,apple and a bit of yogurt.I realize sunflower seeds are high in fat and that Amazons are prone to fatty liver disease. My question is,should I wean her off these sunflower seeds gradually,or all at once?I don't want to shock her system.She was owned by an 84 yr old lady who passed away,and obviously didn't know any better.. She is in perfect feather,and seems healthy despite everything,...has anyone seen a bird do this behaviour? I've searched and read many of your posts,any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated....I forgot to mention,I've only had her 4 days.. Thanks alot..K.C.
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