Hello! I am new to this website, and to African Grey parrots. I am a pet nurse, where I fell in Love with African greys! I always wanted a bird, but more importantly I wanted a companion. I searched through classifieds, ads, and websites looking for the special comapnion I would spend my life with, then one day I found him and his cage mate in need of a good home! I am adopting a green cheek conure and African grey next week and I am so very excited. I really cant wait. I have done a lot of research and it turns out that one of my vets in my clinic are great with birds! : ] I am buying the cage from the owner so hopefully the birds will feel a little more at ease at my house. Any suggestions would be great! I am looking for names for them both. I am thinking..
1) Yogi and BooBoo
2) Smokey and Bandit
3) Mario and Luigi
4) Calamity and Chaos
5) Julius and Ceasar
6) Zues and Aires
anyone like them? I wont name them until after I have seen them in person of course.
also. Both birds are said to be three years old. Do you think they can learn to trust and love me? thanks!