Hey guys,
Today at 12:58pm Darwin was eating his lunch of peas, mmm...He got very stiff, and fell over. No body control. He went into seizures all the way to the vet clinic, halfway there he had another huge seizure and stopped breathing. I turned on my flashers, and gunned it, (I only live 3 freeway exits away), while breathing for him. Rushed him to the surgery table in back and went to turn off my car while they intubated him. His heart rate was good, but going fast. He came back for a bit with some injections from the crash kit, but in the end he ended up going to birdy heaven 20 minutes after being revived, and while still on Oxygen.
Darwin probably had a few things wrong with him, but this is typical of a bird who is being malnourished, seizures, comas..They need calcium to prevent these episodes.
I just hope everyone is caring for their birds in the best possible way, and we'll be looking for another grey to welcome into our home, its very bothersome to me that Darwin was discovered too late to be saved...But its comforting to know he had the best 4 days or so of his life while he was here.