Well, currently I have a tiel named Ryley whom is a 5 year old female... and I have a green cheek conure named widget who is a year.
I am familiar with CAGs.... its not really anything I havent done before, Im just kind of refreshing my education so to speak. Its been a few years since I have cared for a CAG. I helped a friend with hers for a long time. He came to my house to stay when she had to leave town. I LOVED IT!
I love my fids. I cook for them every single day. Rice, pasta, veggies, bean salads, sprouts, birdie bread... you name it they have it. I am an organic eater as it is so most of what I eat, my birds can eat as well. I spend hours with my fids.... playing with them and just hanging out. Im very excited to add such a beautiful bird to our flock though. I am sure that I still have plently to learn, but this seems like a great place to learn what I need to know!
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone
Ill try to get some pics of Shiloh soon.