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  1. Father Marcin had his Grey- Methusala stolen out of the rectary in Faith, SD. Band # WY 136 If you come across any new greys please please check bands for her #. There is a reward offered for information leading to her safe return. You can call Barb at Mt Rushmore Birds 605-787-7788, Father Marcin at 605-430-7200 or the Meade Co. SHeriff at 605-347-2681 **pls pass this on to other forums you belong to**
  2. I didnt mean it as its a "problem" I meant it more as in "whats up with him" I figured it was a sign of affection but I just assumed that didnt happen until after sexual maturity
  3. I am not sure if this is the right area to put this question in as I did not see a "behavior" section if I did please admin move my post. Cadillac is very strongly bonded with me. That being said his hatch date is 06-2007 he is now 19 months old. In the last week or so he has started to make this funny sound spread his wings (they are fluffed up when he does this), he does this head bob thing and he regurgitate. I do NOT accept the food he brings up. At first I thought it was some type of mating thing but if I am correct Greys do not sexually mature until about 3-5 yrs so he's got a looooooong way to go.. Whats his problem? Every morning when I uncover him I open his cage give him a head scratch then he holds onto my finger with his foot rubs his face on my hand and starts the head bobbing thing, I tell him "no" remove my fingers from his foot and walk away.
  4. Im not sure what he thinks of it when the too starts his daily call to the flock my CAGs eyes get really big..lol Guess he's use to being the loud mouth of the family (talking and sounds) now he has compentition :laugh:
  5. I have had cadillac since he was 6 months of age. I have been invovled with him since he was 8 weeks of age. I personally did not hand feed him but I did get to interact with him when I was able to make it up to visit him at his breeders (110 miles away) which was every other weekend. Yes my hands are full with a toddler and a baby umbrella (hes 18 weeks old) now but so well worth it. My son loves birds but knows to ask before he touchs and so forth and with Bayle he is able to actually "play" with him where as with Cadillac and JB he really cant. Cadillac is strongly bonded with me and JB is just tiny as tiny comes:P but he holds Junebug daily and helps feed cadillac in fact if I feed cadillac without him he gets mad, Cadillac does take treats from him and my husband but thats as far as contact goes
  6. Hello everyone. My name is Kim I am currently a 37 yr old stay at home mom of a wonderful little 2 yr old. Iam blessed to have 3 parrots in my home. Cadillac - CAG Junebug - peachfaced lovebird Bayle - baby umbrella I was raised in Texas and 3 yrs ago moved to North Dakota for what was to be only 18 months but we are still here.
  7. I actually ordered my baby U2's cage from that site and had no problems at all. I do know in December til just recently the company was in the middle of changing hands. And odds are some orders did not get shipped or emails replied to.
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