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Everything posted by b_wheeler36

  1. Okay I was looking through the forums and found this one... I have recently adopted a TAG about three mos ago from an elderly woman who just could not take care of him anymore...she said that she had just recently gotten a dog and they didnt not get along and needed to get him to a new home so we adopted him... Now we have had him for three mos...he will take treats through the cage bars but thats about it... when it comes to trying to pet him he lunges at you... I dont think he has ever be handled or even let out of the cage for that matter...but it just takes time and patience... I will sit by his cage and read to him all day long lol and he'll repeat some of the things I say every now and then and other times he gets bored with it but all in all I try and show him as much attention as I can... just hang in there and keep us posted
  2. well he loves his peanuts... unsalted of course haha... and he'll take them from me through the cage bars all the time and usually do alittle dance for me afterwards and he regurgitates his food showing his love for me so I know he's comfortable just maybe not comfortable enough...right now we leave his door open so he can come out on his own when he is ready. I know that taming these birds takes lots of patience but I have not much knowlege with them and I think that is what is frustrating me so much
  3. Ya I dont think the woman ever handled him at all and let him get out of his cage. We bought him that new cage a few weeks ago and have let it sit bescide his older cage to let him get used to it and tried to put him in his new cage and I have but them side by side and left the doors open and moved all his toys and food in hsi new one to show him its his and he's still in his old cage... am I doing something wrong lol He is a male and his name is Smokey but I will post something in the welcome forum stating alittle about him Thanks again
  4. well TY =] for the reply and it was of help. I know what you mean when you say they have minds of their own haha... he definately does...and your right it will just take time and patience
  5. Okay so I just recently adopted a Timneh and he is about a year and half. I got him from an elderly lady who could no longer care for him anymore. I dont know if she just never held him or got him out of the cage because its going on 2 mos now that we have had him actually almost 3 and he has yet to come out of his cage. We have the open top cage and have a play dome on top and all... he has came out once then wouldnt go in for a while When you try to pet him he lunges at you and tries to bite you I just dont know what to do. I absolutely love him and know this will take time but is it even possible? What do I do??:huh:
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