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  1. Harley hasn`t got all his flight feathers completely in yet, but the little rascal can fly all over the house now and make turns and landings pretty good.
  2. Harley averages 390 grams. He was the smallest of the four when I got him. He picked me, so I had to bring him home. He`s healthy and happy and has a really good appetite. I know he`s just a runt, but he`s my boy and I wouldn`t have him any other way.
  3. Chimaysmommy, It`s been the same with Harley for the last week.
  4. Harley cleans his beak alot on his pumice safety perch. I was wondering if this is alright. His beak is not black anymore but a dark grey. What do ya`ll think?
  5. I also got the same samples. Harley loves the Nutri-Berries.
  6. Chimaysmommy, I`ve been putting the harness on Harley since the second day I brought him home. He`s not completely comfotable with it yet, but he likes being outside.
  7. Congrat caitb2007 on getting your baby home.
  8. Congrats Gorgass on getting your baby.
  9. Harley will chew on his harness as long as were not walking or doing something. I tell him no, and get his mind off of it and he is fine. He was really good today about getting it on and off as well.
  10. I`ve had Harley a week now. He really hasn`t got used to his harness yet, but he stood still for me to put it on a little bit ago. Here`s a pic.
  11. Well my gut feeling was wrong. Harley is a male. Which is fine by me, but If I was a betting man I would have swore "he" was a "SHE". DNA doesn`t lie I guess. Here`s some pics I took a few minutes ago. Gary
  12. I really appreciate all the replies. I`m just a concerned parront I guess. I just put the harness on her for the first time a little while ago. We went out on the porch and sit in and on the swing awhile. Then we went for a short ride down the dirt roads. We stopped at a neighbors house and one of their cats jumped up on the tool box, in the back of the pickup, and Harley was on my shoulder and she started growling and moved a little closer to daddy. It was funny. She acted like she would give the cat a run for his money. All in all I think she is doing really good. She is back up to her original weight today. Thanks everyone for your advice. I`ve learned alot on this forum and I`m sure I`ll keep learning. Thanks for having me. Gary
  13. I brought my baby home on the 19th. She eats pellets or nuts pretty good. My problem is that she doesn`t seem to care for veggies or oatmeal or any thing of that nature. I`ve tried the raw veggies and steamed and blending. She`ll pick at it anyway that I fix it, but doesn`t seem to care for veggies at all. I`m going to try sweet potatoe today. I cut some sweet corn into pieces yesterday, on the cobb. She played with it more than she ate. She`s really not losing any weight, but she`s not gaining either. Any advice for me would be great. Gary
  14. Thanks again all. She dropped 11 grams from yesterday until this morning. I know I shouldn`t be worried but it still bothers me a little. She is having breakfast now. I know she`ll pick it back up. Gary
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