I want to get an African Grey so bad but I don't know if it is a good idea or not.
I need your help, please.
I own five small dogs,(Japanese Chin)One cat, (Ragdoll) and one Lineoated Parakeet.
My husband and I are retired so stay home most of the time.
I wanted to know if I am asking for trouble bringing a large bird into our family ? The dogs have always grouped together during play and they can be very rough with each other and their toys. I know if the bird should go onto the floor there could be a problem.
Do these birds need to have free roam of your homes ?
Can they be trained not to go on the floor or fly around ? This is my biggest fear. As far as feeding and giving attention I don't see a problem with that because we would give it plenty.
I sure hope someone could answere these questions for me. I would love to own this bird but I don't want anything to be dangerous for him either.
Thanks ahead of time.