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Everything posted by LindaP

  1. I am so happy I found this forum ! Thank you all so very much. I will certainly take your advice and not jump into ownership until I am sure it would be safe for this bird. You all are so friendly and helpful. I am thrilled that you would welcome me into your forum even that I don't have a Grey. I will log in and do my homework while enjoying your interesting posts and wonderful photos. Thank you again, Linda:) ,
  2. Thank you ! You sure are a very friendly group. I am so happy to hear that even though I don't own an African Grey I would still be a welcome guest. I will take your advice and not jump into ownership until I read very carefully all the pros and cons. I do have an unusual family situation and I am very aware of the dangers. I know one thing for sure, I will do my homework. Thanks again for telling me that I am welcome here even if I just enjoy your great photos and read the posts which are entertaining. Much better than reading today's news. Linda
  3. Can they be taught not to go on the floor ? Linda
  4. I am here writing to say hello and ask lots of questions. I signed up and already posted a question because I don't own an African Grey but would love to become a Mom to one of these beautiful birds. After reading my question you'll understand why I need to get as much information as possible before bring a baby home. I have five small dogs that unforunately killed my parakeet when the bird fell to the floor and they all thought it was one of their toys. I was heartbroken because I was the reason the bird got out and was killed. I left the latch off on the door and the bird opened the door. He didn't know how to fly so just fell to the floor. They didn't put any bite marks in him but played much to rough. I'm always home but of course this was the one day I had to leave for a couple of hrs. I'll never be so careless again. But as you can see this is why I thought I should ask before getting another bird into the house. I need to know if this bird could be taught not to leave his cage or playpen. Is this possible ? Please help me by posting a reply to my question in the other section. I figure if I can't get this wonderful bird I might as well not tell you too much about myself because I won't be able to be part of this forum. Thank you so much for listening. Linda
  5. Hello, I want to get an African Grey so bad but I don't know if it is a good idea or not. I need your help, please. I own five small dogs,(Japanese Chin)One cat, (Ragdoll) and one Lineoated Parakeet. My husband and I are retired so stay home most of the time. I wanted to know if I am asking for trouble bringing a large bird into our family ? The dogs have always grouped together during play and they can be very rough with each other and their toys. I know if the bird should go onto the floor there could be a problem. Do these birds need to have free roam of your homes ? Can they be trained not to go on the floor or fly around ? This is my biggest fear. As far as feeding and giving attention I don't see a problem with that because we would give it plenty. I sure hope someone could answere these questions for me. I would love to own this bird but I don't want anything to be dangerous for him either. Thanks ahead of time. Linda
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