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  1. Very good ideas folks. I'm gona have to work on getting a larger place so Jake can have his own room! :ohmy:
  2. Hayley, I was just about to order this: http://organicpharmacy.org/products/Rescue.Remedy/SKU:BFR00392 until I noticed the alcohol content. Anyone's thoughts? John
  3. Hayley, I'll have to do a search on Bach flower remedy, as I've never heard of it. The same with raffia, another unfamiliar term. I picked up one of those green rubber, hole ridden balls that Lisa suggested and stuffed it with paper and nuts. It didn't last a day. Jake chewed right through the thing! I wonder if PETCO (the retailer) will refund my cash? Wishful thinking, huh? Feel free to PM me with more details on the Bach and raffia if you like. Cheers! John
  4. Thanks all, for the welcomes and suggestions. Thus far I have drenched him, once, with a water/aloe mix, placed a humidifier in his room, gave him that green ball (with holes) filled with paper and peanuts, ordered some red palm oil, picked up a bottle of aloe juice. I just wish there was a way to wean him off so much attention - oh well. I'll keep you all posted. Thanks again - John!
  5. Hey Guru! I've had Jake 11 years. I brought him home when he was just a few weeks old. I have to say, he has the best head of any grey I've known or read about. Unfortunately, he very recently started chewing his feathers, for the first time ever. That's what brought me here. I'm freaking out! I'm very well read regarding Greys and I'm pretty sure it's due to lack of attention. My hours have changed for the worse and of course I made the mistake of giving him too much attention from day one. Once a grey becomes accustomed to a certain amount of attention it's almost impossible to wean them off all that attention - right? If you or anyone here knows of a way, please let me know. I don't want to lose this bird to illness, adoption or anything else. Thanks for the welcome and any advice you can share. John ps let's see if this photo attached appears!
  6. Hello everyone. My name is John. I live in Kansas City, MO with my 11 year old male CAG named Jake. Jake - unlike most Grays id extremely social. If a stranger walked into the house and then left a few minutes later Jake would express sadness. He loves everyone!
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