Hi, Just found your forum and have checked out a few sections and found it helpful. Thanks. We need help!
We have a 7 mo. old Congo African Grey female, Sarah. She's pretty sweet, very brave, plays well with toys, etc. Since the holidays, she has gone from normal preening to more aggressive feather biting. She's already cleared a patch on her breast, and messed up shoulder and tail feathers. We know it's urgent to try and figure this out before it's habit for life.
She had a vet check in Nov. and vet said she was healthy. We consulted with her breeder, who is very experienced and helpful. She checked her out and said she looked healthy. She suggested distracting her with noise/action when she bites feathers. Also, adding a branch of Eucalyptus for her to prune, more shred toys, and a daily bath (vs. 1-2 per week). She also suggested chamomille tea or even a tiny bit of Children's benadryl to calm her down if it seemed she was hyper. She said for us to give her more time -- we already have her out with us most of the day -- so we now take her with us on our walks. Nothing is helping!
On your forum, we read about spraying the bird with 100% aloe vera juice. So yesterday we bought some and started that too. If it's going to help, would it start helping right away? So far, nothing helps... actually after shower and spray she preens more and vigorously.
We've had birds/parrots previously but this is our first Grey. This problem is very frustrating to deal with because she's such a pretty bird and we can see where this is headed. Please... if you have a method that might work or if you can refer us to a good book/website, etc., it would be greatly appreciated.
Sincerely, Sarah's flock<br><br>Post edited by: SarahsFlock, at: 2009/01/18 22:00