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Everything posted by lisajimmy9162

  1. looks like its just the claw
  2. thanks for reply, yes he isnt bothered about it he moves around no problem thanks lisa
  3. hi everyone got my tag last wednesday he is 18 month old and ive just noticed one of it claws missing at the front do they grow back and how do you think this as happened
  4. do you mean offering his food back no he doesnt thanks for reply
  5. hi yes thanks for repling, do you know what he is doing when he keeps bobbing head up and down when i go to stroke his beak does he enjoy this and also is it normal for his words to be muffled thanks lisa i will put some pics up later in the week
  6. hi everyone just wanted some advice on my new tag. he is 18 month old hand reared and has been with us since wednesday. He is called kiki he has settled in really well eating well and coming out of cage for nosey he is speaking quite well says hello very clear and loud and imitating telephone he is also saying lots of other words but we cant understand them abit muffled is this normal? He is taking food from my hand and i can stroke his beak but sometimes he keeps bobbing his head up and down alot what does this mean. I cant touch him anywhere else as he bites and if i go in to step up he bites and climbs up his cage, ive also noticed if i use a perch for step up he goes crazy squaking and screaming and flapping his wings so ive decided not to use this at the moment do you think someone may have scared him with this. Im just goin to talk to him and carry on stroking his beak for the next week maybe he just needs getting used to me do you think? any information what to do next would be grateful. im going to get his wing clipped in about 2 weeks at the vets but apart from this everything seems to be fine cheers lisa
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