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  1. yes he's a fine boy. our last bird was 1 year old when we got her so this is a totally new learning process. chico's now flying from his cage onto my hand from about 10 ft away which is truly amazing me. i never expected him to be so active at this age.one thing that concerns me is he absolutely loves bananas is there a limit on how much he should get per day? he would eat them all day long if you let him.
  2. hi all, chico's settling in fine. such a friendly boy, lets you tickle him and sits on your hand no problems. today he flew off his perch and landed on my hand(only about 2 feet but i was well impressed. he gets on fine with my wife and my daughter loves him. my son comes home tonight(he works away and comes home weekends) even he's exited and he's 19! some photo's for you.i hope this works if not i'll try again. Post edited by: dph1230, at: 2009/01/16 16:45<br><br>Post edited by: dph1230, at: 2009/01/16 17:01
  3. we have got him everything new including cage and toys. my wife said she'd rather start afresh with everything just in case.
  4. hi all, well we've got our baby home today and called him chico. he's settling in nicely and seems so happy.my wife is over the moon with him and loves him so much already. will post some photo's soon. dan.
  5. hi ya judy you are a very kind person. i must get to bed now, its 1am in freezing scotland. got to get up early in morning to collect baby, 3 hr drive. thankyou once again.
  6. thankyou so much for making me feel very welcome
  7. hi folks, have read read this forum for a good while now and have learnt loads from all you well informed people. you may have read my other post on losing our precious molly but we get our new baby today. great forum for learning allsorts. i will post pictures of the baby when we get him /her. thankyou all.
  8. hi, been reading this forum for some time with great interest. we lost our 4 year old grey due to liver failure from an infection she picked up. we put her in a pet shop for board while we were on holiday for 2 wks came back and she died 3 wks later. vet says she could have have caught infection from the pet shop but couldnt be 100%. informed the pet shop (but as i thought) they said they had no other problems. my wife has'nt stopped crying since. so today i am going to pick her up a 14 wk baby(hope it brings the smile back to her face). i would like any thoughts on the above. this was the only change in her routine ever.
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