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pynkzephyr started following Charlie is loose!! , Emma has flown out of the door and Charlie has been found!!! thank god..
Charlie has been found!!! thank god..
pynkzephyr replied to rierie's topic in Lost & Found Bird Room
I am so glad to hear that Charlie is home safe! this has made my afternoon wing clipping is such a personal decision - all I will say is that mine are fully flighted and would remain so after an adventure such as this, but I can understand your husband's concerns at this point like hair, feathers grow out and there is plenty of time to research and possibly reconsider in the future Mr Boogie and I are celebrating with you today! -
knowing the area he is in is half the battle can you knock on doors and recruit some folks to help you look? it is summer, the neighborhood kids should be out and about and they have sharp eyes stay positive and stay out there and talk to Charlie, just as you would at home sending continued prayers and positive thoughts
don't beat yourself up - accidents happen even clipped birds can sail out the door and catch an updraft and be in a tall tree before you know it since you are in a small town (I live in a tiny town too) call the police and fire depts non emergency numbers and get the dispatcher (often the same person) to make a note you are looking for Charlie - that will be several more pair of eyes 24/7 helping you to look you can also put flyers out at the traffic lights and stop signs in the area is there a place the local kids hang out - that's another good place to post flyers and spread the word sending prayers and positive energy that he returns home soon
I am so sorry Charlie has gotten out - have someone notify the vets, rescues, shelters in your area here is a link to pre made flyers that you can customize with pics and wording notify 911ParrotAlert here is a list of tips for finding your lost bird - Be sure to put up signs EVERYWHERE (your neighborhood, surrounding neighborhoods, pet stores, vet offices, grocery stores, gas stations, golf courses, etc.) with a good description of your lost bird (a picture would be preferable), the date lost, a good contact number, and a reward if one is being offered. Another idea would be to post fliers in the bird food isle of the stores in your area and surrounding areas. Post on Craigslist (in both the "Lost and Found" and "Pets" sections) Facebook/My Space type sites are a good way to get the word out other sites to post lost birds Bird Hotline Birdmart Parrot Classified Ads – Lost & Found PetFinder Fleales s Market's Lost Pets International Also be sure to check and notify: *Local Humane Society/Animal Shelters *Local Bird Club *Local Avian Vet *Pet Shops/Bird Shops ================================ Tips For Finding Your Lost Parrot •AROUND HOME: Search for your bird in your neighborhood. During thefirst month birds tend to stay within a mile radius of home. Spread the word to neighbors and neighborhood children that your bird has escaped and let them know what your bird looks like. While searching, bring along a favorite toy or treat. Make familiar sounds. •Put your bird’s cage outside so if he’s near-by he/she can see it. Many times, your bird may be near but too scared to even vocalize to let you know it. The cage and familiar toys will help to entice him/her. •If your bird has a favorite feathered friend, bring him/her outside (in his/her cage). You’ll only want to do this if you are home to watch over things to insure the safety of your bird’s friend and his/her cage. •If you have any outside pets your bird doesn’t like or fears, be sure to bring the m in so they won’t scare your bird away. •AROUND YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD: Keep in touch with your neighbors. Make sure they know how to contact you if they even THINK they’ve heard or seen him/her. •It’s quite possible that once your bird gets hungry, he/she will go to any human. Make sure you post signs (at least in a one mile radius near where your parrot escaped) describing your bird and giving contact information. •AROUND YOUR AREA: Post signs in lo cal vete rinarian’s offices, pet stores, apartment bulletin boards (usually near the mailboxes areas). Have your kids post signs on the school’s bulletin board. Anywhere you think the signs will be noticed. If you really get the word out there, it increases the chances that your bird may be returned. •Contact your area animal rescue/shelters and have them put your bird on file so they can look o ut for it. Make sure they have a way t o contact you. Call them every f ew days to make sure you keep it fresh on their minds. Be sure to ask how long they keep a lost animal on file and be sure to call back and re-list your bird if you’re still looking for him/her. •Also, contact any local bird breeders and let them know about your lost bird. Speak with managers at your local pet stores and let them know when you post the lost bird poster on their bulletin board. Let them know to be on the lookout. Sometime s people ‘find’ parrots and try to sell them to pet shops for quick cash. •Place a LOST ad in your area newspaper(s). If you offer a reward it may increase the chances that your bird will be returned. On all posters, ads, etc. make sure you mention how your lost bird is ‘family’ to you (and your children perhaps). Stress how much you care for your bird and it may help to persuade someone who may not in itially intend on returning a ‘found’ bird. ********************************** Tape a flyer on each side of your car on the back windows, then as you drive around looking for the bird & handing out flyers people will see a rolling advertisement. People will notice it and stop to ask about it. It is an especially good idea if you think your bird is in the nearby area. ****************************** Check with local golf courses and leave a flyer with them. Birds have been known to land on a golfer's head and recently a parakeet landed on a tennis player's head in the court.
I have WONDERFUL NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Emma is HOME AND SAFE!!!! a park worker found her about 6 km southeast of her home by a park worker who notified a rescue who contacted Adina - she has just picked her up and returned home with her I will update more later today when I hear more thank everyone again for your support
thank you everyone - she is leaving her cage out at dusk and talking to her (she has not been spotted, just going on the assumption that she is still nearby) will let you know if I hear anything
it has been a long day - thank you for your support I am so hoping for good news before dark
will pass this on, thank you
thank you Lex - she has been advised to put out fliers - I have one ready to send her she is out now, looking and 'talking' to Emma in the hopes that she is still in the area and 'hiding' like they will sometimes do I appreciate all suggestions and will gladly forward them
I will be checking in periodically to see if anyone knows anything and with updates as I get them Emma's Mom and I appreciate your support - thank you
Lovethatgrey's Emma flew out the door this morning around 9 am central time and has yet to be found. She is located in the Anjou area of Montreal. CL, Kijiji and 911 parrot alert have been notified, as well as area stores and vets. This message has been cross posted on all forums that she is a member of. Please spread the word to look for our beloved Emma
you can also flag that post on craigslist - if enough people flag it, it will be checked and pulled
glad to hear she is found, but sounds that she is not with you waiting to hear the rest when you have time hugs gg
Hang in there - am praying daily as well that you find her first. does the other person have any paperwork with the band number or anything else that would hinder your claim to Ros? (hoping not, just wondering) wish I were closer and could come and help you look
How far from her previous home was she when you found her the first time? It's about time for her to start getting hungry so you may have a better chance at spotting her.