Thanks everyone for the replies. I have had a very heavy heart and took Bubba back to the shop, I gave the keeper the meds and bought a Temnah and named him Sinbad.
I called this morning and Bubba has improved, which I am so happy. I only have the living room to keep him and my other grey is here, my cockatoo is in another room. I was worried about my other CAG, Pepper getting sick. Eveything is for a reason and I think it all happened for the good, the Temneh I got is one of the best birds I have ever had! He looks rough, supposed to be molting. I have not seen him pluck. He's just the sweetest thing. My CAG seems to like him, I brought them close and she made soft sounds and said Hello..LOL so funny, they shook beaks and touched tongues, I hope they will be able to be good friends.
I also wanted to mention that I take the birds to the vet when needed, but it was our weekend in K.S.A. and they were only open a half day and the next would be closed, so I had to just get him some meds.
Post edited by: CharNksa, at: 2009/02/10 10:06<br><br>Post edited by: CharNksa, at: 2009/02/13 07:47