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Everything posted by CharNksa

  1. Thanks everyone for the replies. I have had a very heavy heart and took Bubba back to the shop, I gave the keeper the meds and bought a Temnah and named him Sinbad. I called this morning and Bubba has improved, which I am so happy. I only have the living room to keep him and my other grey is here, my cockatoo is in another room. I was worried about my other CAG, Pepper getting sick. Eveything is for a reason and I think it all happened for the good, the Temneh I got is one of the best birds I have ever had! He looks rough, supposed to be molting. I have not seen him pluck. He's just the sweetest thing. My CAG seems to like him, I brought them close and she made soft sounds and said Hello..LOL so funny, they shook beaks and touched tongues, I hope they will be able to be good friends. I also wanted to mention that I take the birds to the vet when needed, but it was our weekend in K.S.A. and they were only open a half day and the next would be closed, so I had to just get him some meds. Post edited by: CharNksa, at: 2009/02/10 10:06<br><br>Post edited by: CharNksa, at: 2009/02/13 07:47
  2. More like a cough, I called the vet and described it to him and he gave me a name to buy from the vet pharmacy where I live because the vet is nearly 2 hours away and would have been closed by the time I got there. Anyway I do see improvement. No discharge, he looks clean. The first day he sneazed about 4 times and I was thinking I needed to pay attention to it, then the next morning he was coughing.
  3. No, he's not mimicing, he's coughing and shakes his head slightly. He seems to be doing it less this afternoon. He is still silent, I can't wait till he opens up, he looks like such a ggod boy. Thanks for your reply.
  4. Hello everyone, I got a new CAG, not the 5 month old I had planned but a 2cond hand one. His name is Bubba. Bubba started coughing the second day I had him, this is the 3rd day. I got his meds last night and he is having short coughs not like last night the long choking coughs. He is not tame but seems calm. I think he has been kept in a small cage for a long time and on the floor with cage bangers. He he is frightened he will crouch like a dog. So far only a single whistle other than that he just watches us all. He has started to look at my face when I talk to him which is good. I love the look he has like, "this must be a new friend" he looks like he wants a friend..now you all are going to think me nuts! Any guesses on his age? Charlene Post edited by: CharNksa, at: 2009/02/06 07:51<br><br>Post edited by: CharNksa, at: 2009/02/10 09:54
  5. So sorry about this, I hope things will improve, I know you must be so stressed over it yourself.
  6. Great video, You must be so proud.
  7. Thanks, I will have to go to another town for this...I have been misting her and she seems to be more chewing than pulling.
  8. Hi, Pepper has been treated for external parasites, I let her outside and she got them from pigeons. She was looking good last week and the feathers started growing in, now she is plucking again. I saw the little white dust in her cage again that comes with the itches. How often shall I spray her? The vet is very far from where I live. I give her lots of chew things, she likes paper and twiggs best. I also am getting another Grey to keep her company as she doesn't seem to care for us humans very much, she is tame but doesn't seem to need us much.<br><br>Post edited by: CharNksa, at: 2009/01/28 10:46
  9. Just wanted to say thanks for all the welcomes, I have a head cold but will come play later.
  10. Thanks again folks for the welcome. Yes G2 is a Goffins. I will post pics but delete them later as I don't like to keep them. This is my girl Pepper, I took it yesterday.<br><br>Post edited by: CharNksa, at: 2009/01/18 04:18
  11. I just love the bird behavior, It's neat they talk n all but it's not something big for me. I bought my Pepper, well my husband went and bought her for me, she was cheaper because she was not yet talking like her peers, (didn't think she ever would) I have had her since last July, she is around almost 2 years and lately decided she would talk very softly to us, never loudly. She likes to say Good bird most of the time. When I was sick and stayed upstairs about 3 days, I came and sat on the couch beside her and she said. "What ya doing"
  12. Thanks lots, both of you. I will take time to learn things, I am not too forum learned...LOL.
  13. Hello, my name is Charlene, I live in Saudi Arabia (I am from AL. U.S.A.). I have a Grey named Pepper and I have one reserved, should get it this month I hope. I also have a G2,2 male IRNS,3 cockatiels,2 keets, & a canary. We have fish and 1 hamster as well. I am a Muslim and we normally don't take photos but I take some from time to time to show friends then delete them, you can see some at http://www.myspace.com/charleneksa if you like. I look forward to meeting you.
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