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  1. Thanks!! Just got it on e-bay for $1.00 Shipping was $3.99! Can't wait!
  2. Aww Houdini is so adorable!! I'm soo happy for you!! OH when is your daughter due?...or has she already had her baby? Hope everything is well!
  3. congrats...i know how excited you were!!! Have fun!! did you name him yet!
  4. Hi neighbor It's nice to meet you and can't wait to hear more about your baby! It's nice to know someone elese in Green who will have a grey! {Communicate-00020110}
  5. I live in Green, Ohio!! I have only lived here 3 years originally from a small place called Baden, Pennsylvania!
  6. Thanks soo much everyone for reassuring me that Tuki will still talk and whistle! I appreciate all the advice I have gotten from VERY smart people here!:cheer:
  7. I had never heard this and when I saw the sign it concerned me because I had been whistling to Tuki and he learned it!! Glad to know it's not true!!! Thanks!!
  8. Yea the wolf whistle is what I taught Tuki!! He does it alot! but wasn't worried cause he is trying to talk it's a bunch of mumbles still!
  9. Hi everyone!! Just a quick question...while at the petstore the other day admiring a beautiful CAG, I read a sign next to the cage that said not to whistle to the grey because it's easier for them to do than talk and if you teach it to whistle, it will not talk. Does this have any truth? I have taught Tuki a whistle, but have tried to not do it latley because of this info at the pet store! Thanks!!
  10. Hi everyone!! I was just curious how everyone gives red palm oil to their greys....Tuki is not a fan of oatmeal..would red palm oil make it more appealing to him?? or what other ways can i give him the oil? Thanks!!<br><br>Post edited by: melissa44685, at: 2009/06/18 18:46
  11. Hi Patricia! I'm soo glad you are getting an african grey!! You will be a great mom to Sloopy! I read about all the great things you got at the bird fair! It was good to meet you and CONGRATS! Melissa
  12. Question....what type of glue do you use to hold the pvc together....i always wondered what you could use that wouldnt harm the bird... thanks!
  13. yea...lol as soon as we bring the camera out he thinks it's someting to chew on/play with!!! That and my glasses
  14. Tuki just discovered how fun it is to cuddle with me! He is doing very good and trying sooo hard to talk! Just thought I would share a picture of his new habit! <br><br>Post edited by: melissa44685, at: 2009/05/31 00:24
  15. Here is the Photobucket album of Tuki! http://s275.photobucket.com/albums/jj304/mbrown0330/
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