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  1. Hi my names mark and my Bird is called PoPPy he turned 1 last sunday and talking plenty lol He has just started doing a strange thing when i go up to the cage and poke my finger in for a smooth he scrapes the point of his beak across my hand with his head bobbing up & down ??? What is this is he trying to tell my somthing, some times its looks like hes trying to regurgitate his food to me.:blink:
  2. Thanks to everyone and i will try these things we dont wanna spoil him too much ie taking him out every night . At the moment getting him back in the cage is really getting us down we leave him out for 3 hours he starts to yawn so i just think hes ready for bed but he will not have it we try for over an hour most nights just to get him back in the cage lol. We will keep trying and ill keep you all posted thanks again :laugh:
  3. Thanks for your advice its a little difficult to take poppy out all the time as we both work hard all day and dont get in til 6-7ish once we have sorted kids out and food its like 8-9pm then. Im not making excusses but if poppy needs more time out the cage then we will have to take him out as soon as we get home we like him in bed at 9:30 because hes up with us at 6:30am and thats a long day for him with no sleep (not sure if he sleeps through the day) Thanks Mark
  4. Hi we got a african grey named poppy hes just comming up to a year old now. We let he out the cage about 3-4 nights a week when hes out hes fine but when its time for bed he will not go back into his cage he just stands on top of the cage i hold my hand out he jumps on when i lower my arm to put him in he jumps off onto the top again i have to do this atleast 20 times what am i doing wrong ?
  5. Thamks for the responce i will do that. we just got worried about him never talking im only saying hello at the moment he picked up the wolf whistle in 4 days lol thanks again
  6. Hello all we have a 5 month old african grey We let him out the cage every day and he flys to the curtain pole and chews all the coving thats not good for him or us lol. What is safe to use in the cage for him to destroy we are afraid to put thing in just incase he swallows it and chokes. Can we use things like empty toilet rolls plastic ball pit balls things like that ?
  7. Poppy is now 5 months old and not speaking yet people have told us because he whistled first he will not speak is this true ?
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