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  1. Hello All, I was just wondering what sort of games you play with your greys? If you have pics or videos, please share. I've started playing tug o' war. Well not quite yet, but I've shown Shadow the rope and she beaked it........ Robert
  2. Hello All, I took Shadow to the vet today to get "her" initial vet check. My vet fell in love with "her". All is well and "she" is in perfect health. The vet recommended I wait a while to have her sexed due to there not being a real reason to do it, other then curiosity. My vet also thinks Shadow is a girl. So, for now Shadow will be referred to as "she". My vet also advised that 90% of her diet be pellets. She recommends Harrison's. Oh yeah, the cost of the check up and fecal analysis was ZERO dollars. VCA has a internet coupon for all first time clients. Way cool...... Robert P.S. Any comments on the use of bottlebrush tree branches for perches and play gyms? I have a nursery that has bottlebrush trees. Could I use these trees to make her a play gym? Is there anything I need to do to the branches if I can use them? Is it ok to use fresh branches? So much to learn and so little time.......ahhhhhh
  3. Hello All, Everything is going well. Upon doing some reading on the web, I came across a website. This website sells bottlebrush perches and play gyms. A nursery by my house sells these trees. Could I use the trunks and branches from these trees to build a play gym and/or make my own perches? Robert
  4. Hello I know we should show our greys how to play with toys, but at what age should they start playing with them on their own? Robert
  5. Hello All, Thanks for the replies.We are doing great, I could not be happier. It sounds like everyone agrees that Shadow is female. I will have "her" sexed next week so we will see if all of you are correct. Life is better with a TAG...... Robert P.S. I just made her a floor play gym out of PVC. Is there anything I should know about using PVC? If so, please let me know. I have not let her use it yet. P.S.S. What age is it ok to give her a shower?
  6. Hey Welcome to the "just got my TAG" club. I just got mine on Feb. 7th. I could not be happier. Mine is 3 months. Keep us updated. Robert<br><br>Post edited by: RoadSpawn, at: 2009/02/12 07:13
  7. Here is Shadow. I will be sexing him/her this week. I hope you all enjoy the pics of her first day at home. <br><br>Post edited by: RoadSpawn, at: 2009/02/08 20:18
  8. Hello All, I brought home my TAG today. Kept him/her outside on my arm, perch and play gym for most of the time. He/she seems settled already and was eating out of my hand. He/she steps up and is already a member of the family. Pics coming soon. Robert
  9. Hello All From what I've read, each parrot is different but for the most part is the following ok? When I bring him/her home, put her in her cage and leave her alone for a day or so. During this time, speak softly, sit by her cage and continue to live life. I should know when she settles in and then begin to start working with her. Does this sound correct? Robert I pick her up tomorrow.
  10. Hello All, Well after much internet research, reading books and asking a million questions on this forum and others, I have finally decided on what will be the best possibility for me. I've decided on a TAG. I will be picking my baby TAG up on Sat. Let the adventures begin. Robert
  11. Hello I would like to know about any possible health concerns there may be with having a grey in the same household as an infant. Infant being less then 1 year old. I'm refering to the dust and dander. Does anyone here have that situation or been through that situation? Thanks Robert
  12. Hello All I'm having trouble deciding between a TAG and Senegal. I've read up on both but still would like to hear from those that have experiance with the two. Here are my questions: 1. Which needs more attention? How much more? 2. Which one tends to call out on a more frequent basis? 3. Which one has a more sensitive developmental stage? 4. Does the TAG constantly chatter? If so, low or high? 5> Which one is nipper? I've read one book on senegals and two on Greys, but it's always good to hear from people. thanks Robert<br><br>Post edited by: RoadSpawn, at: 2009/01/26 23:39
  13. Hello I've looked through google but can not find pics of the two together for size comparisons. If anyone has such pics could you please post. Thanks Robert
  14. Thanks for all the replies. After doing some reading I found the air purifier that will meet my needs. Thanks for the heads up on the purifiers. Robert
  15. Hello All, I would like an idea of just how dusty the Greys can be. What possible consequences could there be for children? Would an air purifier take care of the dust or at least lessen it? Just doing research before I decide to buy. Thanks in advance to all who reply. How much dust are we talking here? Robert
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