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  1. Me and Zazu LOVE to be outside. when i bring him outside. He sings and talks and nap.He likes the sunshine. Today he is outside with me, the parrots and the macaws.(Joey, Ty, Lucky Cabo) (It smelled so pretty!)I was about 3 feet away from him and guess what?Zazu flew over to me! I guess he likes me! :woohoo: ----------- Zazu the male african grey Sunset the peach faced love bird Cabo the spoiled blue fronted amazon. Joey the female blue&gold Ty the male blue&gold Lucy the severe macaw<br><br>Post edited by: zazosmommy, at: 2009/04/19 20:50
  2. That so sad. But remember, They are in your heart forever
  3. SunSet was a peach faced love bird who was my first bird ever, she was good friends with Zazu and was so nice and sweet. I took her in when she was abandon. I didnt know anything about her. I would olay with her. Talk to her. and sing to her. I wanted to share her story with you all. Goodbye... R.I.P Sunset
  4. Dang its breeding season and We have 2 greys: Zazo (males) and Larry (female we think), Zazo and Larry like each other but 1 rule NO BREEEDING! We have 2 many!
  5. my mom moved zazo upstairs and hes alot nicer now! He even tryed to talk! Maybe because Rico was down there..... zazos doing great with his family, plus im still only 11
  6. Zazo will not stop with all his yelling! He ALWAYS wants attentoin! hes so a mommas boy, he always wants to cuddle,eats,and be held why is he being so silly?<br><br>Post edited by: zazosmommy, at: 2009/01/21 07:46
  7. well, hes only 6 mounths hes been in his cage alot, i have school, and everytime i get him out he always nails me hard, he keeps looking at our 3 girl birds:Joey the blue and gold female macaw(single),Lucy our severe macaw female(single) and Cabo our blue fronted amazon female(single) our boys:Rico our Harilquil macaw male(single),Zazo our african grey congo(single) and Ty our blue and gold macaw male(single). Zazo has a lot of friends at home! i dont get why sometime at sertine times hes bad,maybe hes in love,
  8. well, try to get it in, dont force it just relax it, i do that with Zazo!
  9. I im new here, and i was wondering, my bird Zazo bites me hard so i put him back in his cage, but it makes him bite more! What can i do? Hes being bad, but its making him meaner!
  10. I bet that will make your bird jump! That looks good!
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